Why Why why? RANT

I've been doing ok. It may have taken me 41 days but I am down 9lbs and even found a way to work some wine into my calories. And then tonight, I ate pizza. 3 fu#$ing pieces of pizza and it put my calories over by 1,ooo!!! ONE THOUSAND!!! Why did I do it? I knew it was bad. But dang, I want to sit and eat with my family some times. Other people get to have pizza but big fat me, I apparently have no self control and went double over my calories for the day. I'm so stupid.

I feel like such a failure.


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    But you're NOT a failure. You slipped for one meal. It happens. We are humans, not robots. You are gonna be fine! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a great day tomorrow without guilt!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    You're not a failure, it happens some times and No one is perfect. Just get right back on plan tomorrow <3
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    machel131 wrote: »
    I've been doing ok. It may have taken me 41 days but I am down 9lbs and even found a way to work some wine into my calories. And then tonight, I ate pizza. 3 fu#$ing pieces of pizza and it put my calories over by 1,ooo!!! ONE THOUSAND!!! Why did I do it? I knew it was bad. But dang, I want to sit and eat with my family some times. Other people get to have pizza but big fat me, I apparently have no self control and went double over my calories for the day. I'm so stupid.

    I feel like such a failure.

    You aren't a failure, 1000 cals is nothing in the grand scheme of things. So long as it doesn't happen often you'll be ok. I'm just wondering if you are feeling deprived, if so maybe incorporate some things you really like into your diet.. just a thought.
    When I was losing weight I had one meal a week that was something I truly enjoyed. Sure, I lost it slower because of it, but I was happy. I'm not saying that's what you should do, I'm just saying if you feel deprived of things you enjoy, find a way to add them.

    Wishing you luck. 🙂
  • machel131
    machel131 Posts: 17 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    But you're NOT a failure. You slipped for one meal. It happens. We are humans, not robots. You are gonna be fine! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a great day tomorrow without guilt!
    You're not a failure, it happens some times and No one is perfect. Just get right back on plan tomorrow <3

    Thanks. :'(
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

    Three pieces of pizza and 1000 extra calories doesn't make anyone a failure. It's a blimp, learn and move on.

    Change the way you think, if you tell yourself you are a failure your brain will believe you...start thinking positively.
  • machel131
    machel131 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    I do that once a week...Doesn't do any harm.

    If you have your calories set up to lose weight, there is a deficit there. Depending on your weight loss rate that you chose, it's 250 per day for 1/2 pound per week, 500 per day for one pound per week, 750 for 1.5 and 1000 calorie deficit to lose two pounds per week.

    You probably ate near or a little over your Maintenance calories. At the very worst, you slowed down your total weight loss by 12-24 hours.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • I did this same thing like 2 hours ago. Pizza to the tune of some 1400 calories. This is my biggest over day since I starting this journey. I am trying to remember that it's only one day. One meal. Tomorrow is a new day. You are not a failure!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Lots of people, myself included, still eat pizza while losing weight. Was this pizza unplanned? You had already eaten your full alotment of calories and then pizza on top of that? Sounds like you’re working with a pretty low calorie target - is your goal too aggressive and too restrictive?

    Next time - plan ahead. Save 100-200 calories in the days leading up to it, exercise on the day you plan to eat it, and/or just plan to eat at maintenance calories for the day. Eat a salad and then limit yourself to whatever amount of pizza fits in your plan.

    No biggie!
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    1000 calories over is really small in the scheme of things. If it led to any fat gain at all, it is in the fractions of pounds and can erased with a good day or two.

    What is important to note though, if you try to weigh yourself tomorrow or maybe the next day, you might see a spike in the scale. Don't freak out. That's not fat you gained back. The pizza was likely high in sodium, so you'll be retaining more water weight from that for a bit. That is not the same thing as fat and will go away once you move on from this.

    Don't let one day get you down. As long as you don't fall into a guilt spiral, this day won't even register on the radar in your long term success. Just treat tomorrow as a new day and don't dwell on today any further.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,517 Member
    Step back. A bump in the road is not failure.
    Weight loss is about problem solving. Identify and solve enough problems and you’ll find yourself at goal weight.

    Nothing wrong with wanting to join in on family pizza night. My solution was to add a small veggie pizza to the order and start off with a big salad. Keep working until you find a solution.

    Don’t worry about what others do. Too much careless pizza eating is bound to lead to weight gain. You seem to have a fantasy about how others are living. We are all subject to the laws of physics. Keep working. You can come up with a plan that addresses pizza night. Keep trying different things until you find something that works.

    Again, an inadequate plan is not failure. The only way to fail is to quit. And please stop calling yourself names. I hate it when people come on here doing that. Respect yourself. You can do this.