
Hi Everyone, I’m looking for some motivation and inspiration. I’ve lost 4kg since November and another 10kg to go however my weight is creeping up again slowly. I feel really down about it and tired. I feel like I’ll never get to target. Anybody similar or anyone can offered advice? Thanks all, Neeta


  • Foodforthought125
    Foodforthought125 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like you've been successful already, it's just hard to keep motivated! I'm in the same boat, and have gained and lost the same 15 lbs over and over because I "reward" my success by eating the junk I love, and I end up sabotaging myself. It's a tough mindset to break, and I'm back here to try that again!
  • Neetalump
    Neetalump Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for that. It’s hard isn’t it. It’s helpful to know I’m not the only one! I think because I have a target date in mind I’m too stressed about it
  • stance314
    stance314 Posts: 2 Member
    you are not alone. Just joined as I too am looking for motivation.
    You would think my pants being too tight would be motivation enough... nope....
    I have never been a food logger but going it alone is getting out of control.
    I plan to start logging this week.
    I also plan to engage in weight training via a plan within new book I got for Christmas (thinner, leaner, stronger).
    Started this part last week but only got through 3 of five days. So, I will try again....
    They have a diet plan that I could follow, but I don't like the plan.
    Hopefully by checking in with others will get me back on track.
    My weight is creeping up as well.... uggghhhh....
  • Neetalump
    Neetalump Posts: 6 Member
    Yes my pants are but still doesn’t keep me away from the fridge!

    That sounds like you’ve got a good plan. We’ve just got to keep restarting and hopefully one day it’ll become good habit.

    Have you set your own calorie goals?
  • Neetalump
    Neetalump Posts: 6 Member
    You’re so right. Discipline and consistency is the key. Damn the no motivation and down days are hard but yes it can be done. Thank you
  • imxnianne
    imxnianne Posts: 216 Member
    Motivation is fleeting, build discipline. I never would have gotten very far if I relied solely on motivation. Counting, weighing and tracking isn't always fun, but I do it anyway. This morning I very much didn't want to do my daily plank challenge, but I did it anyway. Discipline pushes you through those times when motivation leaves the building. And it helps to look at the long game, which yeah can be pretty hard in the beginning but damn if it doesn't feel good when you get into it and can look back at your success. The idea of losing 90-100lbs was so overwhelming at first but now I'm about 41lbs into that loss now and it feels amazing, and it helps to keep me going. Someone else compared building discipline to building muscle, the more you use it the easier it gets. It's very true.

    I say and do the same thing. I’ve already come this far, why stop now. It gets boring and I want my life back, but I also know the healthier I am the more I can do when I go back. Also I won’t stop the training. I’m tired of this diet, is what I always say. Yet when I eat the junk I love, I feel like *kitten* sometimes. That’s how I go back to the path I started. Life goes on, so must I D:
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    If you want to be exercising, it's helpful if you enjoy it. I found things (lots of different things) that I like doing. It makes it easier to follow through. It's also really helpful to push through when "motivation leaves the building" as Michelle said. I have found my motivation seriously lacking, but because I built in good habits, I find myself driving to the pool instead of home, on autopilot.

    I read somewhere in this forum some wise words, and they really spoke to me (paraphrasing here): Motivation, or lack of, makes no difference what kind of workout you have. I tell myself that these days a lot because it's cold and dark, and I don't feel like swimming. But sometimes when I make myself go, I end up having a great workout.

    Make logging a habit too. It will slowly change your view of decisions you make about what you eat. And come to the forums for advice, support, encouragement, commiseration, whatever! You can do this!!
  • tclohan
    tclohan Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks to those of you who emphasized discipline. It's 9 pm, I'm 52 calories over my goal intake and I am fighting the urge to eat something. The desire eat a whole meal and more at this time of night was a habit for the past 5 years. This is day 2 on trying to change that habit to not eating after 8pm (as my cardiologist recommended). Girlwithcurls2, two words come to mind after reading our post: discipline & commitment. :-) I will hang in there!!! Thanks for the motivation! ALL OF YOU.