Healthy low calorie snacks-Dieting

I suffer from depression and have let it take over me in the worst way. I binge eat and have gained 30lbs recently. I noticed at night I get very high sugar cravings. Any ideas on low calorie/healthy snacks to chose from while dieting?


  • heavyworshiper2006
    Apples have saved my life during sugar cravings. I will eat a small fuji or gala apple with some almond butter and it kicks that habit right away!!
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    I love to have either an apple or Greek yogurt with honey. Totally satisfies my sweet tooth. I also find that a cup of fruit flavored herbal tea helps.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Strawberry Sugar free jelly, some soft cheese (I use Philly light) and a bit of sweetener to taste.
    Mix together and it tastes like strawberry cheesecake
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    An entire apple with an ounce of cheddar cheese or a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter (weigh the cheese on a food scale to make sure you're not overconsuming: eye-balling a serving is inaccurate). Stops the sugar craving for me, and the little bit of protein and fat satisfies any hunger issue on top of that. I don't know whether this will work for you, but it did for me. I set my calorie goal with MFP and accurately entered in some of my calorie IN ADVANCE of eating them. So, I'd log in what I planned to eat throughout the day and most days allowed myself 1 chocolate chip cookie, or a piece of pie. This approach doesn't work for everyone, as some folks are triggered to eat a second piece of pie once they start. I've heard a lot of people here on the forums swear by Halo Top ice cream, which is low in calories. Maybe a cup of that as a treat before bedtime would make you feel satisfied. Honestly, it's depressing for most people when they feel deprived of the joy of eating food. So plan for a treat you can eat slowly and really savor every day. That's my tip.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    I do apple slices and walnuts. I can put together a 100 calorie plate with about 2 ounces of thin slices of my favorite apple, plus 10 grams of walnut pieces. The apple is sweet and tart, and the walnuts are rich and satisfying.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    Best thing I usually do is only grab one serving. Go to another room and eat it and then wait and don't get more until a little time has passed. That way you're not accidentally over-doing it. If you give yourself time you start to feel more satisfied and are less likely to go back up and overdo it as bad.

    Apples and cheese or nuts is great because it is healthy and makes you feel satisfied.

    If you are just wanting to eat and you have already logged your calories, sugar free jello is like almost no calories. You can buy the sugar free snack packs and each one is 5 calories. Then just grab one or two at a time. Rice cakes work too especially with a little tiny bit of peanut butter (measured), or celery.

    I have found that halo top ice cream (280 calories per pint) makes me feel like I am eating a lot and I get full eating it but it doesnt kill my calories.

    Sugar free cheesecake pudding can be mixed with low fat greek yogurt and give you kind of a cheese cake flavor.

    A lower calorie/lower sugar cereal portioned out into a cup is better than cookies/candy for snacking on too.

    Or you can combine dry quick oatmeal with a banana and some dark 100% cocoa powder and form it into little balls and then bake at 350 for 12 minutes and get little chocolate bannana oatmeal balls/cookies that are pretty filling.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    Walmart also carries Jolly Rancher water flavor powder. It's like 5 calories mixed with a bottle of water and tastes like candy. if you're craving like juice or hard candies...
    OCDOD Posts: 21 Member
    Cotton candy grapes
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Good ideas!
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    I live off of spring rolls. Where I'm from theres only 250 calories in TEN of them. Genuinely satisfies me and fills me up. They aren't perfectly healthy but they're mostly vegetables.
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    Apples have saved my life during sugar cravings. I will eat a small fuji or gala apple with some almond butter and it kicks that habit right away!!

    Apple with peanut butter here.. weighed to the gram and logged, of course.
  • jasondjulian
    jasondjulian Posts: 182 Member
    I live off of spring rolls. Where I'm from theres only 250 calories in TEN of them. Genuinely satisfies me and fills me up. They aren't perfectly healthy but they're mostly vegetables.

    For sure... the only thing undesireable about spring rolls/veggie egg rolls and the like is that they are often fried in oil.. other than that, cabbage, carrots, and all that, good stuff.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    A bowl of berries with a sprinkle of sweet protein powder and a splash of water.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    My go to snacks are: apple plain or with a serving of almonds, double serving size hummus with baby carrots and it seems now every night I have 3 clementines/cuties.

    McMEHU: Tell me please about the sugar free cheesecake pudding with Greek yogurt - you do not have to add any milk? Any other directions? Thank you!