Clean eating, does it really work?



  • Chococoa999
    I always try to eat clean. I feel better when I do :)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    If by "clean eating" you mean mostly non-processed, naturally occurring and available foods? Sure, it can make all the difference. That hundred pounds lost you see in my ticker is from a lifestyle of "clean eating" (and later IFing), without any calorie counting, logging, or food weighing; and that's eating a diet pretty high in fat. I also don't eat just to lose, I eat to feel as good as possible, be in as wonderful of health as I can be.

    For me "clean eating' is eating in a way that keeps me full of energy, makes me feel good, and aides in my goals. I almost never overindulge in "clean" foods, so overeating isn't a problem. However if you are prone to overeating food, regardless of the apparently "cleanliness" of the food, you still need to track and calorie count. There are fat, unhealthy fruitarians, vegans, vegetarians, organic-only diets, the list goes on. People who are predisposed to overeating will overeat regardless of what eating system they adhere to.

    It's also about NOT being a nazi. You can indulge in the so called junk foods, or if restricting carbs you can have higher carb foods, just do so in a way that doesn't hinder your own health and nutritional goals. Any good diet/program/lifestyle needs to be followed the majority of the time, not all of the time.
  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    I always wash my food before cooking it. I assumed everybody did...
  • mapenguinkeeper
  • CrazyWhiskers
    CrazyWhiskers Posts: 63 Member
    This is interesting. I will give this a whirl after Thanksgiving (tomorrow). :heart: