Having a hard time, trying to do better anyways.

Hello! I turned 30 last month (January 12) and I'm kind of in the middle of a crisis. My husband of 7 years was the bread winner, and he lost his job the month after we bought a house in October 2017. We lived on our savings for a year, I thought he needed time to recover from the stress of the previous job and the terrible way he was let go. But he slipped into a depression and well... I don't know when he'll be coming out of it.

So it's up to me to find work and support us financially (and everything else, honestly.) I am 358 lbs and 5'5" so I find it hard to do the factory work I used to do. I have been trying to find call center work, but I am not good with phones (some past abuse has left me unable to handle angry customers.) I do type 70 wpm but I've been having a hard time finding anywhere I could apply that skill.

Anyway, this isn't about that. What this is about is the fact that I need to lose weight so that I can support my husband in his darkest hour. I literally have no income, and the only reason I've been able to eat anything the last 2 months is because my room mate, mother and friends have slipped me a little bit of money now and then and I'm pretty good at stretching that out with coupons and cheap food.

I'm not sure if it's realistic to try and lose weight at such a terrible time in my life, but it's more important for me to do so now than ever!

I prefer to eat keto, because I have PCOS and my symptoms drastically alleviate when I'm on it, but I understand that's practically impossible right now. I think the biggest step will be walking. It's very cold where I am but I think the weather is breaking and it will be warm enough again soon (it doesn't have to be too warm, I'm no slouch in the cold.) I've always wanted to lift weight and get stronger. I have some dumbells in my house. 25 lbs each, I think.

Anyway. That's my introduction. More of a story. XD I don't have kids (we tried for 4 years with meds and everything but were unsuccessful, and then stopped when we lost our insurance.) I live with my room mate, who is like a brother to us, and my husband, who is currently done with the world. I try to stay optimistic and upbeat anyway!

Advice is appreciated (though obvious things like, go to a food shelter and try food stamps are complicated and already explored.)


  • Aswennu
    Aswennu Posts: 57 Member
    Stress can make losing weight harder, but it isn't impossible. Try thinking about this journey as something for yourself. Every time you exercise or watch what your eating, try to remember that. Maybe having something for yourself to focus on can be a relief for you? Maybe, in time, you can get your husband to exercise with you. Exercise helps fight depression.

    That's what helps me. I like putting in headphones and taking myself for a walk to clear my head, planning out my meals for the next day, or even just stretching before bed.

    Remember as far as food goes, keep it simple: calorie deficiency =weight loss. Keel it slow and steady, you got this!

    I hope your situation gets better.
  • skyblonde82
    skyblonde82 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, what a hard time you must be going through! I applaud your optimistic perspective and I hope you both find the right opportunities. Keep up the good work, you sound like a fighter 👍
  • joaniec81
    joaniec81 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm from CT and we have United Way who helps with a variety of things. I would look into your local unemployment office and see if they have any placement programs, training, etc. Times are tough but don't stop believing in yourself, your husband and your marriage. God bless and good luck.
  • Anise88
    Anise88 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. But hey girl, your not alone. We're all here with different stories but with one goal. So let's do this!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am so sorry to hear you are going through all of this, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. I'm glad you are here, and I hope this community can help you with your weight loss journey! Don't give up hope, I have faith in you! (:
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    It sounds like you are in an incredibly difficult and stressful position. For weight loss, just track your calories. You may already know this, but food in bulk and frozen ingredients can often be cheaper than fresh or pre-made. This will often mean higher carb foods such as grains and fruit, but you already indicated you realize that.

    For exercise, look at YouTube such as Leslie Sansone walking videos.

    Job-wise I would suggest signing up with a temp agency if you haven't already. Your skills sound like you would be a good candidate for an administrative assistant at a lower stress company or data entry. Your post is well written, so you could also look for tech editing positions. Also look for any entry level jobs that don't require previous experience and sound interesting. If possible, don't just apply online but also walk into companies and ask about job openings available, especially at smaller companies. Most jobs require online applications now, but there is still a lot to be said for in-person first impressions.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I want to thank everyone who stopped by and said something in here. It has actually bolstered my spirits to have people take time out to say encouraging things! You guys are pretty awesome. :)