Has anyone tried the OMAD diet or Intermittent fasting?

eagu345 Posts: 11 Member
I want to get other people’s perspectives on the OMAD diet. I’ve watched a few YouTube videos on it. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting 16 hours and eating window 8 hours. Lost 20 lbs. Gradually moving to OMAD which is fasting 23 hours and eating window 1 hour. Anyone else trying these methods? Goal is to lose 40lbs total weight loss 60lbs. Trying to lose 20lbs by May. Feel free to add me. Let’s motivate each other.


  • shirazumdraws
    shirazumdraws Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I have to lose about 30 pounds. My first initial goal is to lose 18 pounds in the next 3 months. Tried 16:8 before for a few days when tried losing weight before. Today is my first day of OMAD. Was hungry at about 12-ish, I am from Asia, it's 2 in the evening now. Had a cup of tea with a little bit of milk. Will have dinner at 8/9 at night.
  • SageJJ93
    SageJJ93 Posts: 96 Member
    I have done 16/8 for the past month, about a week into doing it I did OMAD for a week and it didnt work well for me. I have really bad anxiety and depression and I think it just messed with my mind because I do LOVE food and eating once a day took all enjoyment out of eating (more of a chore than anything else), so for me it didnt work but my husband does OMAD and he loves it! If you're curious I say do it for a week, who knows, you might love it too!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Just remember that whatever you try, it has to be something you are willing and can live with doing forever.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
  • Anthem76
    Anthem76 Posts: 81 Member
    I do IF and OMAD on a flexible schedule. On days I work, I wait until noon to eat meal #1. I typically have a second meal around 4PM. Then I'm done. However some days I'll eat all my calories at that noon meal and that's it. Other times, when I know I'll be going out for a date night or a party, I'll fast all day and eat OMAD at the party or restaurant. I still mentally calculate my calories at these events. IIt's not a free for all. On weekends, IF doesn't work because I'm home all day with the fridge, so I tend to snack a lot more. I then reduce the calories in my meals to make up for the snacking. So it doesn't have to be all or nothing.