eating very healthy, exercising regularly, gaining weight, always hungry



  • MissDenise1952
    MissDenise1952 Posts: 41 Member
    JCoop9 wrote: »
    Are you getting enough water?

    That would be my first question since I learned here on MFP a few years back, that dehydration can disguise itself as hunger. That's not a quote, but it worked for me and I started drinking my water for the day. Also, what makes me feel those hunger pains depends on "what" foods I'm eating. I don't know what it is in pizza for example, but the day after I eat that I wake up starving (or so I feel like I am, lol). Sugars do the same thing. Maybe too much bread, flours, pastas.
  • MissDenise1952
    MissDenise1952 Posts: 41 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    One thing to consider since you're eating mostly whole foods: are you getting enough fat? I find that I'm especially hungry when I try to eat a low fat diet.

    I would second this. Also, as @ceiswyn was saying, hunger is often psychological. I often feel hungry when I'm bored or stressed, even if I've eaten exactly the same as I always do, and no amount of food will fix it because it isn't about food.

    If you are getting enough protein, fat, and fiber and are constantly hungry and not losing weight, either it isn't real hunger and you need to explore what is going on in your head, or you might have a health issue that needs checking into.

    I think this has probably helped me too, adding good oils like Olive and coconut for just two. I don't have any hunger pains between meals any more at all.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,048 Member
    edited March 2019
    If I'm eating at maintenance or below (aka in a deficit to lose), I am hungry. A LOT.

    I mostly blame this on the fact that, into my early 30's, I was very active, had very active jobs, and spent a lot of time on my feet doing physical labor. I could basically eat what I wanted, and easily maintained my weight on close to 3,000 calories a day.

    I got a desk job, hobbies changed, and the physical labor went away. My appetite, however, has yet to adjust very well. I can feel satisfied after a meal, but I am definitely hungry long before it's actually time to eat again. Oh, and it's been over 8 years since I got my first desk job....

    Drinking lots of water helps - and I found that I do much better with fizzy water rather than flat. This helps with the "boredom" eating.

    I've added a fair number of steps to most of my days to up my TDEE.

    I'm still hungry most days. This is something I've just had to learn to accept. I'm going to be hungry 1-2 hours after I eat, and a small snack won't satisfy. So, I just accept that this is the case.

    As for exercise, steady state cardio makes me very hungry, but I do better on more varying and weight lifting type workouts and my increased hunger is more in line with the increased activity.

    Maybe you're just going to have to get used to being hungry? Or experiment with some different eating patterns, not necessarily reducing your overall intake, but you may find it easier to eat less with a different eating pattern. I find higher protein, volume from veggies, some (but not a major portion of my calories) carbs, and making sure I get enough fat in my diet to be pretty essential to maintaining a deficit and not being *I can't focus* hungry.