Tired all the time!



  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    Your diet is unbalanced. Lack the essential amino acids that are found primarily in red meat.

    Which ones are found in red meat ?

    Read this:


    ......noted that the symptoms of nervousness, exhaustion, and dizziness.............
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree with upping your vit D.
    Also, my husband and I take sublingual vit B12-perhaps you should try that.
    Eating lots of all the varieties of veggies with some spices and olive oil gives us t
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree with upping your vit D.
    Also, my husband and I take sublingual vit B12-perhaps you should try that.
    Eating lots of all the varieties of veggies with some spices and olive oil gives us tons of energy!
    You really are what you eat so eat well!!!
    Eat veggies such as:
    Sweet potato
    Swiss chard
    Dandelion leaves
    Just see what's available at your local farmers market and get these and eat lots everyday.
    They cook up fast and you can make a couple of batches a week.
    You can make a big pot of veggie/bean soup and seperate into individual servings and eat the whole week.
    I can't tell you what a difference this has made. Tremendous.
    I'm not a vegetarian but I eat tons more veggies than meat, poultry, fish etc.
    I do eat some kind of animal/fish protein most days too.
    I guess you eat beans, nuts and Greek yoghurt for protein?
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    @mp_deep - thanks will have a good read when I get home from work.

    Yea I eat nuts and yoghurt for snacks I would mostly eat beans in along with a main meal. Im going to start making more soups and broths, I bought Kale last night for the first time so going to have quorn cheese filled escalopes with kale, spinach, peppers, carrot and tomato for dinner :)
    Love every thing on your list iv never seen dandelion leaves for sale and havnt heard of swiss chard so will have a look out for them.

    Thanks again everyone !!!!
  • NonfatLattexo
    NonfatLattexo Posts: 13 Member
    Sarah, you sound just like me with the fatigue. I literally feel dizzy in the mornings and so tired I nearly throw up some days :( It's really horrible. Then I hardly get through the day. Bloodwork is normal as well. I do get treatment for depression, but I really think I'm depressed as a result of being so fatigued. How can you not be? There's so much more I want to accomplish that I am unable to. Ugh. I will try some of the things mentioned.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Sarah, you sound just like me with the fatigue. I literally feel dizzy in the mornings and so tired I nearly throw up some days :( It's really horrible. Then I hardly get through the day. Bloodwork is normal as well. I do get treatment for depression, but I really think I'm depressed as a result of being so fatigued. How can you not be? There's so much more I want to accomplish that I am unable to. Ugh. I will try some of the things mentioned.

    This sounds like the symptoms of early pregnancy - any chance??? I guess if you've had blood taken you've seen a doctor who would (surely) have thought of that......
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Im not depressed and dont feel dizzy in the morning when I wake but would sometimes get dizzy mid day !?
    I am working 7 day weeks atm but im used to it and iv been tired for a long time now.
    Im def not preggers lol hoping for that 2014/15 :D
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Im not depressed and dont feel dizzy in the morning when I wake but would sometimes get dizzy mid day !?
    I am working 7 day weeks atm but im used to it and iv been tired for a long time now.
    Im def not preggers lol hoping for that 2014/15 :D

    Sorry sarahmoo, I wasn't suggesting that YOU could be pregnant, it was the poster above me who I quoted (NonfatLattexo) who said they were desperately tired and nearly throwing up in the mornings.....
  • I felt the same way. Went to the doc and they did a bunch of blood work, found nothing. Went back for further tests and they found that my vitamin D levels were VERY low. I now take 50000 IUs of D3 (better than the prescription D2) once a week. It took about 4 weeks to really start working. I am a huge vitamin D advocate. Your body needs it for almost EVERY function and most people are deficient. It even helped me lose weight for a while. This may not be your problem, but I hope this helps. You can buy D3 in 50000 IUs on amazon.com. I really hope you figure it out. Being exhausted all the time really sucks. Good luck.
  • warcraftWidow
    warcraftWidow Posts: 5 Member
    Your doctor may already have run iron and Vitamin D tests. I know it was part of my standard blood work done a few months ago.

    I'd check those results or get them done before loading up on Iron or D. You don't want too much of either although the amount in a standard multi shouldn't hurt.
  • warcraftWidow
    warcraftWidow Posts: 5 Member
    Spinach and swiss chard are usually interchangeable in recipes so I wouldnt' worry about finding one over the other.
  • If my fat intake is higher than my protein I get EXHAUSTED. Also, watch your added sugars and try to lower that. (anything not naturally in food)

    ETA: Up that protein!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Decreasing food intake usually makes me tired and always has. IMO just another reason not to go too low calorie. The other thing is that getting some exercise, if you aren't, might help. Even going for a walk after dinner might give you some more energy.
    Good luck!
  • rhondamik
    rhondamik Posts: 21 Member
    Sleep study is a very good idea! I had one done although I was SURE I didn't have sleep apnea. Turns out I was having 61 episodes per hour of rousing myself from sleep!! I am now on a cpap machine, and although the results were not overnight, I have an amazing amount of energy during the day.
  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm surprised that no one suggested this yet, but if you have a smart phone there is an app called sleep cycle that could help. It monitors how you sleep with the accelerometer in the phone and will wake you up at or near your desired time when you're sleeping the lightest. This may help with making sure your sleep is as efficient as possible. Also I find that I sleep better when I'm active and less tired when I'm consistently taking my multivitamin. Hope you feel better!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It doesn't have anything to do with your diet lacking amino acids from red meat.

    I'm a vegetarian - 23 years now. I have sometimes been tired in the mornings but a lot of it was because my Vit D and Iron levels were low.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    I go through this sometimes, too. For me it is usually not enough water. So, lately I have been making a point of drinking a lot of water every day and doing 5 or 10 minutes of some activity after lunch. Looks like every one has a suggestion. Good luck and hope you find your solution!
  • justoz
    justoz Posts: 4 Member

    I had all the same symptoms you did. It changed my life.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Eat more- you are often under. Your body can't give you energy without filling up the tank.
  • I am vegetarian & I am exactly the same (regardless of the amount of vitamins & supplements I take!)

    I am constantly exhausted, it is horrendous. I have manic depression & anxiety though, so they contribute to my chronic fatigue.

    It's really, really hard to get decent levels of protein into your diet when you're veggie without eating LOADS. If you're looking to keep your calories down & your protein up, try protein shakes & bars! I've recently been using whey protein from The Protein Works (incredible flavours!) & Quest Bars :) It's the only time since I've stopped eating meat that I've actually hit (& been above) my daily protein intake!

    Have you heard of sleep apnea? That's unfortunately also something I mildly suffer from, which also adds to my constant tiredness :( I think it'd be worth getting a sleep study/24 hour tape type of thing :)

    Good luck x