Getting bored during weightloss??

Okay y’all! I’ve been at this losing weight thing for 3 years! I’m down 20lbs and I’m hoping to lose 15 more! I’ve done weight watchers and counting macros but I’m getting a little bored trying to lose the last 15lbs! I’ve tried intermittent fasting but I’ve considered doing the Transform App or try carb cycling! Any suggestions?!


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Congratulations on being 20lb down. The last15lb can be difficult. Put your statistics in to the guided set up to loose .5 of a lb a week, then play with your menu reintroduce meals which sound tasty to you, then weigh and log your food accurately. Your life time regime needs to be interesting and varied. Alternatively you could set the guided set up to maintain and give yourself a really refreshed outlook. I hope you can achieve a zest for your meals again, weight loss should not be all lettuce leaves and salads. All the very best.