Introduce yourself

Hello everyone, not new to myfitnesspal but new to the forum. Trying to lose weight


  • paulaburke12
    paulaburke12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I’m. New to the forum and need all the motivation I can get.
  • azjjhull
    azjjhull Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning! I joined last year, however now that I have learned how to use the app & had my yo-yo time, it's game on for 2019. I have learned to use the app when grocery shopping - very helpful to find out if really what I want to put in my body. Also have learned to pre - log my meals to find a balance for the day. This has made me focus on myself and I believe it is going to pay off. I began a 30 day "cleanse" on March 2 - so I am one week in and already feel better.

    We can do this!