stretch marks

I was overweight due to being on medication that made me rapidly gain weight - I always felt hungry and it was the worst feeling (olazaphine). I stacked on the kilos during that time of my life and since it was such a quick weight gain my skin could not handle it. I now have stretch marks on my glutes, hips, and breasts. The ones on my breasts have faded a little bit but have left scars and the stretch marks on my glutes and thigh haven't budged even though i've returned to my original (if not lighter) weight before the massive weight gain. Theres not much affordable creams that actually work (I use to use the brand palmers cream but after months i saw no affect). I feel like i can't accept my body fully yet because of them! Makes it worse that i'm extremely pale and they're bright red. Anyways I just want to ask advice from people who have seem to have almost complete fade their stretch marks - Products or tips would be much appreciated !!!


  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    I am also really pale and once they fade (which they will, just give it time, you don't need any special products) it's an advantage! They go silvery and it doesn't show up as much on very pale skin. I don't think it does anyway. I have a few on the inside of my upper arms as well as on my thighs and I noticed them for the first time in literally months there the other day and only because the sunlight hit them.

    You don't have to love them but eventually (hopefully) you'll just forget about them.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Yes, they fade with time.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Fake tan... hides a multitude of skin sins!
    Are you talking about the one in a tube or what comes from using a tanning bed?

  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited March 2019
    I am very fair skinned and have had great luck with this. You have to be consistent with it. You can get it most anywhere although sometimes it's behind the counter even though it doesn't need a prescription. If you don't see it just ask pharmacist. There are coupons at the link below.