5k, 10k, Half Marathon

My goal for this year(or 2 years) is to work up to a Half Marathon. I'm following Fitness Magazines 5k, and 10k running plans but I was wondering if you guys had any tips to help me achieve my goals. Currently, I can only run a mile before I absolutely die. I also get shin splints fairly quickly.


  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    run through them :C

    set distance goals that increase over time... you DON"T have to run them all to start out. run 1 mile, walk 2 minutes, run .5 mile, walk 2 minutes...

    run and walk but get the distance in... slowly run more and walk less.

    drink a LOT of water.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Really good shoes. I like Asics running shoes.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    im working on 10k right now.

    my advice (i wish i followed this when i was starting out...)
    **when u injure something, say ur knee for an example... dont keep running on it. give it a day or two's rest! ice it! if ur in need to get some calories burning.. do cross training with less impact on the knee.
    ull find that if u give ur injury the rest it required, ull get back to running just as strong! i used to think i was 'wasting days' as if i would get worse at running during recovery days lol this is WRONG!
    so REST UP!

    i do love speed... but theres nothing that makes me happier than DISTANCE! at times when i start a run off too fast... i wont see past 3 miles. but when i go at a good pace.. ill get to 6 miles and a half with energy to keep going!

    last thing, know ur body.. experiment with pre and post run meals that work for u best! fueling ur runs is what will get u there!
    dont expect magical results, it will take time.

  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Don't run through injury! You need to RICE them (rest/ice/compression/elevation) and then go get fit for proper running shoes. Believe me, it WILL make a difference. It may hurt your wallet a little, but especially if you want to keep running and training for longer and longer distances, you need to have proper shoes. Go to a real running shop (Sports Authority and the like don't really know about fitting shoes.) PM me if you have any questions about this! :)

    As for training for your first events, the advice of slowly adding on longer running sections after walking some bits is really good. Just like anything, you have to practice running till your body gets better at it. You may also want to look at the Couch to 5k plan and halhigdon.com. He has lots of very popular training plans for all races and levels. Good luck!
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I trained originally with Team in Training and they taught you the correct way you guys are right good shoes are key and also eating the right foods. You can try a schedule of running of 5 minutes and doing a fast pace walk for 2 or 3 minutes some walkers can really move! Midweek training also helped where we did the stadium stairs some days and core excercises.