
TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey y'all. Ok i have read plenty of posts on here on the benefit of eating your calories back, and think i understand that theory *kinda* I also have done some reading that says as long as you don't go over 1,000 calorie deficit you'll be fine. my calorie deficit here with out working is is 680 so to my understanding anything over 320 calories, then I do need to "eat those back" now my confusion is. the consensus here is, that we are suppose to eat all of our calories, yet when someone finishes their food diary and is "under they calorie goal" we all say good job- congratulate them. But if we were eating the calories we were suppose to eat and eating the exercise calories back, then we shouldn't be under our calories, in fact yesterday I don't know how i did it but i ate exactly as many calories as i took in, not intentionally but that's how it happened and it didn't say i was on my calories goal it just said i finished my log. So with all the ramblings I'm just wondering if we are truly suppose to eat all these calories why do we congratulate people for being under the calorie goal- if by the post i have read that means eventually over time it will put them into starvation mode. Like I said, i'm confused on this so any information is helpful, but I have read the posts for the newbies and the standard post that i have seen passed out when someone has questions about starvation mode i've read that, it just seems as if general its a topic for debate. Even on some of Jillian Michaels programs she doesn't allow you to eat those calories back.


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I would say do what works for you. For me, I have to eat or I am a beyotch and get migraines and feel like crud. So I eat my exercise calories.......all of them and ahave been known to work out for another 20 min just so I can have a roll with dinner!! :laugh:

    Here is my take on the eating the calorie controversy. On other sites I put in that I promise to work out each day for 30-60 minutes, want 1 pound a week weightloss, and I get usually around 1500-1600 calories.

    Now If I do not do my exercise, I will not lose weight because I will only be a few hundred under my BMR.

    So I love MFP because I can eat 1350 for 1 lb weight loss.........but if I want to eat an extra orange or chicken or have a whole grain roll with dinner, I must get my booty to scooting for my extra 200-300 calories.

    It is all psychological for me.

    Your doing a great job, keep up the good work!!

  • lorimay7
    lorimay7 Posts: 4 Member
    I am not an expert but I think I understand we are not to go under the "before exercise" calories. But I am sure that really depends on how athletic one is as well. Someone very athletic may really need the extra calories. For me, I am an average person, working out 1 hr a day (trying to increase that to 1.25 hrs per day this coming I am trying to stay as close to the 1200 daily calorie intake. That is hard...I am also finding the harder my work-out, the more I seem to need a little extra to keep me going.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I agree - eat atleast 1200 calories (even with exercise). If you are really hungry (not bored, stressed, emotional) eat some of your exercise calories. As we escalate our exercise, I believe (and it's just me) that there are just too many to eat in one day. Count them as banked, if you will, but don't eat them all the next day either! If you go a tiny bit over on a day - it may be OK. Remember we are learning a new way of eating (and exercising) forever. Good Luck to you!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    So with all the ramblings I'm just wondering if we are truly suppose to eat all these calories why do we congratulate people for being under the calorie goal...

    Those congratulations are most likely from people that don't understand fully what a healthy deficit is. When I see someone congratulating a person that is eating well under their base calories (I'm talking hundreds) I'll send them a PM explaining why this isn't something to say, "Good job!" about. If I know the person they are congratulating well enough I will correct people right in their news thread.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I don't have a problem eating the 1200 I useually eat between 1200-1300 calories a day, my work out various from day to day- the whole muscle confusion theory- and I work out in the afternoons from around 2-4, cause for me to work out in the mornings I would have to get up between 330-400 and that just isn't happening, i tried, and when I do manange to crawl out of bed i only get a crappy 30 min work out- so i don't even bother- but my point is I burn anywhere from 350-900 calories a work out session depending on what I'm doing, eating all that back between 5-7 cause I'm in bed by 9 and dont' want to eat 2 hours before bed-just seems unrealistic to me

    svey9480- all i see is the quote, no comment with it.
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