If you eat like this daily, you'll weigh ## in 5 weeks!



  • chunkymonkey0223
    You can go into your settings and change your goals to meet your needs. If you go over in protein, carbs or fat often, then raise that up. But leave the sodium and sugar alone, you want that number to be low. Its your preference how much you want to eat. I personally cannot eat less than 1500 and feel good.

    As for the message that says you will weigh x if you eat y... It's always about 10lbs or so less than you weigh currently and in the last 5 weeks I did not lose 10 lbs. Would have been nice, but slow and steady wins the race right? So don't click it unless you want to feel discouraged. I only complete my diary so that other mfp friends can view what I've eaten to give me support and offer suggestions to where I should change.

    This helps. Thanks :)
  • baba5013
    I actually like that message. I know that I would never end up to the exact number when I get to the 5 weeks but I take it as a motivation message to get there. I pay attention to my calories in take, and not too much on others stuff as long as it is not too high.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    I actually like that message. I know that I would never end up to the exact number when I get to the 5 weeks but I take it as a motivation message to get there. I pay attention to my calories in take, and not too much on others stuff as long as it is not too high.

    Well, I use 35%/40%/25% carbs/protein/fat and 1500 calories. I am averaging 1400 calories daily, though and thats why 4 days a week working out for about 30 minutes (aerobics). I usually go over on carbs by about 20.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I like it.

    Especially after a loss and I get to see new lower number predictions. I may squeal out loud when it starts predicting numbers under 200. lol
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?

    I track protein because I need to get a pretty good amount since I'm a guy and I lift. I track carbs so I can strike a balance with my protein. I track sodium so I know when I need a bit more water than normal. I track fiber because I really enjoy a healthy GI progress, and I throw another in there at my whim, right now it's calcium, just for giggles.

    I don't stress over any of it as long as my cals are in check. If I blow my sodium out of the water, I drink more water, if my protein is in the red, I'm happy, if my carbs are in the red, I'll go for a run to expend some energy.

    Don't stress yourself out, your body doesn't work in 24 hour periods, it just does it's thing, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year until you die.

  • katarina236
    katarina236 Posts: 40 Member
    It's a motivator for me and as long as the number it shows is less the the weight I am at now then I don't stress. It has helped me in the beginning when I was having cheat meals that turned into cheat days. I would log everything and seeing the predicted number being above what I was at was a great motivator to not cheat!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped hitting the 'diary completed' button so I never see that message anymore. I stopped logging exercise calories for the same reason. It's just numbers I feel the need to hit. I log my exercise but put everything in as 1 calorie burned.

    I just try to stay under my calorie goal during the week and I don't even log food on the weekends anymore. I'm a very number oriented person and I'm get obessive about them too easily.

    My focus is getting enough calcium, protein, fiber and servings of vegetables/fruit. And not too much fat or calories.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    I don't even pay attention to that. Actually, I don't even track my weight in MFP. I use an app called Libra because it charts it and makes a trend line, so you can see if your weight is truly going up or down or if it is fluctuating but averaging towards maintenance. I find that a lot more helpful and motivating. I have MFP set at my current weight for maintenance and just make sure at the end of the day I have a 300-500 calorie deficit.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?
    i dont really pay attention to the 5 week thing as it seems to seriously overestimate the weight I will lose.for example predicting I will lose over a stone when in reality will probably be around 5 pounds.I mostly look at the calories try to stay around the same amount each day.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Love the button. Especially on a 'free' day. Shocks the living daylights out of me and then I get focussed.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I like it.

    Especially after a loss and I get to see new lower number predictions. I may squeal out loud when it starts predicting numbers under 200. lol

    me too
  • EsqDreams
    EsqDreams Posts: 8 Member
    (In response to Angimom 8/13 at 1:31 p.m. - I am still learning how to get this posting thing right!)

    (Laughing) I totallty agree with your post! Too funny... :laugh: