Losing weight while anxious, insecure, and depressed 😜

I haven't been on here very long and I haven't done anything related to the community, but as someone that has been kind of overweight most of their life and got to a point where I kind of just accepted that was how I was gonna be, i would like to say it's possible for people even with that mentality. Sometimes it's hard to take advice to heart from people that seem to be in a such better motivational and emotional state. But as someone that is definitely emotionally screwed sometimes, I would like to say that it's possible. Not only that, I feel like I can give advice to those that are similar to me and maybe help them feel more comfortable with themselves. Not saying losing weight will fix all the problems or insecurities, but it certainly helps out 😁


  • Sami1601
    Sami1601 Posts: 50 Member
    I’ve struggled with severe health anxiety for 7 years. I’ve just started with exercise and tracking my calories. What I’m worried about though is when I go to the gym and I work out and you have sore muscles etc because I’m new at all this, because of my anxiety I think it’s something medical all the time even tho I’ve had all the medical tests you can think of. I don’t want anxiety to stop me from exercise.
  • ColeSlaw1234
    ColeSlaw1234 Posts: 47 Member
    Sami1601 wrote: »
    I’ve struggled with severe health anxiety for 7 years. I’ve just started with exercise and tracking my calories. What I’m worried about though is when I go to the gym and I work out and you have sore muscles etc because I’m new at all this, because of my anxiety I think it’s something medical all the time even tho I’ve had all the medical tests you can think of. I don’t want anxiety to stop me from exercise.

    I understand. Sometimes even the simplest of things can be daunting. Hang in there and know some people out there understand. Hugs
  • ColeSlaw1234
    ColeSlaw1234 Posts: 47 Member
    As a therapist I love this thread and the support given to one another! You all can do this!!!! Anxiety will tell you you can’t but you tell anxiety that you can and simply do it. Every day you fight against this “monster” in your life, the stronger you will get. Exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Keep up the great work! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Thanks a lot! It helpful to have words of support!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Sami1601 wrote: »
    I’ve struggled with severe health anxiety for 7 years. I’ve just started with exercise and tracking my calories. What I’m worried about though is when I go to the gym and I work out and you have sore muscles etc because I’m new at all this, because of my anxiety I think it’s something medical all the time even tho I’ve had all the medical tests you can think of. I don’t want anxiety to stop me from exercise.

    Then you need to understand that when you workout, the targeted muscles are going to be sore for a few days afterwards. It's a very normal process, and nothing to be concerned about.
  • ColeSlaw1234
    ColeSlaw1234 Posts: 47 Member
    I am struggling with bad anxiety right now and I am so afraid it is going to affect my journey. I have been doing awesome since the beginning of February. The weight is coming off, I am walking and I started going to the gym. Since mid March my anxiety has steadily increased. This week it has keep me from going to several appointments and the gym. I have to believe that I am going to beat this. I am so glad I found this tread because I needed to just need to know if I keep trying it will get better.

    To a certain degree I still have anxiety about it, but the bright side is those episodes or fears or overwhelming emotions I would have have gotten more and more scarce. It is possible I promise! Hang in there ^_^
  • Sharonsize8
    Sharonsize8 Posts: 5 Member
    I am so glad I found this post. I have suffered from anxiety for years, and have heard that exercise and eating less sugar and processed food will help reduce anxiety. My problem is that sweets are the first thing I reach for when times get tough. Any suggestions on how I can overcome these intense cravings during stressful times would be greatly appreciated. My weight has been up and down so much over the last 10 years that sometimes I feel like it is useless to even try to be healthy.
  • ColeSlaw1234
    ColeSlaw1234 Posts: 47 Member
    I am so glad I found this post. I have suffered from anxiety for years, and have heard that exercise and eating less sugar and processed food will help reduce anxiety. My problem is that sweets are the first thing I reach for when times get tough. Any suggestions on how I can overcome these intense cravings during stressful times would be greatly appreciated. My weight has been up and down so much over the last 10 years that sometimes I feel like it is useless to even try to be healthy.

    Okay this might sound like rambling, but looking into the psychology of habits helped me a ton. I was surprised how much eating snacks or unhealthy food is more of a habit formed than an active choice. (While there are eating disorders that can affect this though) For me, making a habit of eating healthy was the first step. After about 30 days of eating "healthy" my body and mind automatically gravitate towards eating healthy foods. I practically ignore the "unhealthy isles" in stores. Anyways, I know this was a rant, but it really helped me. Old habits dont necessarily go away (this is why even the biggest health junkies can go on snacking away when sitting in front of a TV or at a social event) Definently look into habits and how they can really help reshape ur life!
  • monramx
    monramx Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ive certainly am one of the people youre talking about, never knew being skinny and it as taken a massive toll on my confidence and even shaped my personality as sad as it sounds. I dont know how to believe this time im gonna make it, because ive already failed so many times and the only times i havent its been trhough drastic unhealthy methods (still gained it back). I battle with mutliple mental ilnesses and being fat just reitarates how worthless i am. My mental health is especially bad now, so i really hope excercise and healthy eating will make me feel better. At the same time im scared ill fail and lose all hope. Thank you for this post. Ill try to keep my head up.
  • ColeSlaw1234
    ColeSlaw1234 Posts: 47 Member
    monramx wrote: »
    Hi Ive certainly am one of the people youre talking about, never knew being skinny and it as taken a massive toll on my confidence and even shaped my personality as sad as it sounds. I dont know how to believe this time im gonna make it, because ive already failed so many times and the only times i havent its been trhough drastic unhealthy methods (still gained it back). I battle with mutliple mental ilnesses and being fat just reitarates how worthless i am. My mental health is especially bad now, so i really hope excercise and healthy eating will make me feel better. At the same time im scared ill fail and lose all hope. Thank you for this post. Ill try to keep my head up.

    Eating healthy and exercising helps a lot for my mental health. This is coming from a severely unmotivated person with tons of mental issues so I promise I understand. Doesn't cure everything, but being able to better yourself and feeling healthier did more than I thought it could. Getting in routine and having exercise and eating better become a habit is what made me go from failing every diet to finally trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I just read through this thread. I see myself in so many of you. I have Major Depressive Disorder and I take care of my youngest daughter, age 19, who is Bipolar !. There's so man stressors and responsibilities in my life, when I get home from work I just plop my butt down on the couch and eat a whole package of cookies. Why do I do it? I buy healthy food. I know what to do and how to do it. There's plenty of food in the kitchen. I just don't feel like taking the time to cook. Then I get angry at myself for eating 1,680 calories of cookies and then start bashing myself. It's such a vicious circle. #ColeSlaw1234 - thank you for the book recommendation. I hopped onto my library website and placed a hold on it. I'm looking forward to reading it.