To work out or not

I have to motivate myself everyday just to go to the gym! I remind myself it’s for my own good.


  • JustAMurmur
    JustAMurmur Posts: 7,867 Member
    edited March 2019
    We all struggle with workout motivation from time to time.

    What are you currently doing at the gym? The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and look forward to. You don't need a gym to improve your health and fitness, so if the location is a problem...change it! Exercise isn't torture. A positive attitude goes a long way!

    Find that thing you enjoy, do it consistently, eat a healthy diet and you'll see results. It takes time to change habits, so stick with it.

    If you don't don't have to start over! You can do it...for you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    blksista2 wrote: »
    I have to motivate myself everyday just to go to the gym! I remind myself it’s for my own good.

    if it's such a drag every single time, i would find a more enjoyable form of exercise.
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    Exercise is an important part of good health and sustained weight loss. Without it your body starts to age a lot more rapidly.
    Try to find an exercise you can enjoy. The biggest problem people face with exercise is that it can become incredibly boring over time and we become less motivated.

    Have you tried "Water walking"? I do this at the local pool 6 days a week and now it has become a social event of sorts because there are a good deal of regular patrons that I chat with everyday. I add water bells (barbells for the water) to include some resistance exercise for my upper body.

    Since they typically play music over the loudspeakers it can be quite enjoyable...groovin to some tunes while getting some good exercise. It's great if you have muscle soreness or stiffness or even injury. This type of exercise is greatly overlooked....
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    One day you will get up and it won't feel so forced to go to the gym. One day you will just want to go to the gym!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    Some random thoughts-

    I’ve spent years on various cardio machines. If I was at a gym, I would generally split my time between two machines.

    I never tracked any exercise calories. My cardio workouts were generally 30-40 minutes. I was rarely above moderate intensity. I didn’t want to be tempted to eat more, so I just left it out.

    Exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy. But it does great stuff for our brains. And our bodies if we do it right.

    If you’re doing weight training, correct form should be priority number one.

    It all got easier when I started playing Pickleball. As pointed out above, if you can find something fun, it’s like a free workout.

    If you’re dreading your workout is it’s because it’s too much too soon?

    A lot of days I went to the gym just because I knew I would feel lousy later if I didn’t.

    Everyday doesn’t have to be more challenging than yesterday. It’s ok to start slow and ramp up slow. My first “workout” was 8 minutes on a stationary bike. That was the most I could do.

    Regular exercise can teach you incrementalism. Incrementalism is one of the keys to weight loss.

    Just walking on a treadmill is better than sitting on the couch.
  • chocolate1902
    chocolate1902 Posts: 48 Member
    Keep in mind that weight loss goals are 85% diet. So, you only need 15% of some sort of exercise two tone and help relax. Sometimes just going to a public gym is a hassles so try powerwalking in your house
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Keep in mind that weight loss goals are 85% diet. So, you only need 15% of some sort of exercise two tone and help relax. Sometimes just going to a public gym is a hassles so try powerwalking in your house

    weight loss is 100% calorie deficit, whether that comes from food or exercise or a combination of both is up to the individual.
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    blksista2 wrote: »
    I have to motivate myself everyday just to go to the gym! I remind myself it’s for my own good.

    if it's such a drag every single time, i would find a more enjoyable form of exercise.

    Actually agree with this. If it sucks that bad, find something you actually want to do. Because, there will come a time where motivation isn't enough and if you don't have something you WANT to do, you'll find an excuse to skip it.

    When I first started losing weight, I loved Zumba. Now, you couldn't catch me in a Zumba class if my life depended on it. I love distance running, but have many fit friends who'd rather get a root canal than run.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    I found it hard to motivate to get to the gym at times. So I invested in an at home gym. It is SO much easier for me to just walk down to the basement and get my workout in!