Stay home Mom

I am a Wife of 16 years,a Stay home Mom of a 13 yr old Daughter .. I want to Lose Weight !


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I'm a stay-home dad of a 22 yr old daughter, and a 28 yr old daughter, and a 32 yr old daughter. I also want to lose weight. Here's how we shall proceed: Log your food accurately and honestly every day and every bite.

    You'll need a kitchen scale, and you'll need patience. Patience for using the scale, and patience for awaiting the result of persistently living in a manageable calorie deficit.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    learn here how to accurately measure calories in and calories out then do so every day.
    choose to modify your eating so you eat fewer calories than you burn. how to modify is up to you. there are a lot of ideas here and none work for everybody.

    i suggest a different way of expressing your goal. instead of 'want to lose weight' which implies that you may achieve this someday and be done, like 'i want to graduate from high school'. it helps me to figure out how to be happy and be a healthy bmi for the rest of my life. that way i'm not depriving myself of birthday cake, but changing my behavior to fully enjoy one bite and no more. by figuring out how to tweak many eating habits like this, i'm getting there and happy to stay there. this permanent change attitude helps me avoid some of the crazy and quick easy fix schemes you'll hear about.