Saw a cherry blossom on my lunch ride today

Spring is (unofficially) here.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    For me it's when the swallows return to Rome, or when the wisteria blooms. I mark it on my calendar every year.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    The first signs of hay fever season...
    But really - the weather today is beautiful.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Super bloom for us. Southern California.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    edited March 2019
    The dog is digging up the chew sticks she buried last fall. Must be Spring.

    And the weather is gorgeous today-took my lunch time walk without a coat!
  • jbarr9011
    jbarr9011 Posts: 26 Member
    I just have buds now on almost all my deciduous shrubs and trees. I am near the Cascades myself. I agree and think Spring is just around the corner.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,747 Member
    I've seen a few crocuses and snowdrops, but the cold weather starting tomorrow will probably put a halt to spring for a few days. I am really looking forward to seeing green again.
  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    Here in DC the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin are quite the sight... this year the National Park Service is estimating peak blooms between April 3-6. Getting close!
  • 796fra
    796fra Posts: 46 Member
    3 feet of snow in my yard and the piles by the sidewalk are over my head. But we did make it above freezing for the first time since January. Spring is coming!
  • henacynflin
    henacynflin Posts: 8 Member
    The seasons here are all to pot. We had days that would have passed for Summer a fortnigth ago and the bees and flowers responded as if it were spring. Now we are back to cold, sleet and rain so I worry we will see the brave early flowers pay the price.