Smaller than I've Ever Been But Still Unhappy in Shorts

Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
I've been obese 90% of my life. From around middle school. I successfully lost 100lbs twice (early 20's, early 30's) and most recently lost 50lbs and am now at my smallest.

i'm happy overall (sorta boggles my mind i got this far as it wasn't my intention). But those dang legs of mine :( I've always had particularly large thighs and that is apparently the last place my body is holding the vast majority of the last fat. I don't know that i care to go much farther (will take a break and see) but between the extra fat on my legs/thighs AND alll the droopy skin from the weight I have lost, my legs are awful.

I know you can't pick where you lose, i'm just whining i guess. all this work and i'm still totally not comfortable in something as simple as shorts (not even short shorts - i mean like anything above the knee).

I am 5'1 and now around 116.5. i'l get a bit closer to 115 then start adding more calories.


  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    Hey from a fellow leg loather. Good luck with yours , and know that mine are worse.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    I understand this..... I started getting self-conscious about my body around 10 years of age and stopped wearing shorts.

    I was 40-41 years old before I had enough bravery to wear them in public again..... and it was only that one time.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I suspect it looks worse because of some of the saggy skin that sorta...folds and jiggles. that's almost worse than just fat :P

    Yes i'm not large by any means and i can't see successfully getting beyond 115 at least not long term. so it is what it is beyond whatever improvement can be made with time (tightening of the skin if that occurs) and strenght training.

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement. I suspect it looks worse because of some of the saggy skin that sorta...folds and jiggles. that's almost worse than just fat :P

    Yes i'm not large by any means and i can't see successfully getting beyond 115 at least not long term. so it is what it is beyond whatever improvement can be made with time (tightening of the skin if that occurs) and strength training.

    This--you may just have to wait awhile and then re-evaluate. How about sun dresses? For awhile. Or shorts with a dress on top. A dress swirls a bit and can hide a few things--or distract. However, congratulations on a fantastic loss and hope your body cooperates.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    if it's the saggier skin, do some strength training. it will help as the skin recovers.

    you've done wonderful. and we are our own worst critics.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Life is so short.
    Wear the shorts. Feel the sunshine on your skin.

    Ditto. Great advice.
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    Why not embrace your body?
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    As a fellow member of the short girls with thick thigh crew, here is my encouragement.

    1) We live in the big booty – big thighs – love yourself era. You have the popular body type – own it!
    2) Just as different bodies come in different shapes, so do people’s tastes. Lot’s of people probably think your thighs are HAWT! Even if they drive you nuts – so rock them!
    3) If it is more about the flabby skin, give it some time! Things will tighten up. If you are still unhappy with things after a while, you can always have surgery to get things tightened up for you. Either way, loose skin is just a reminder of how far you have come. It shouldn’t feel like something you have to hide.
    4) 115 is such a healthy weight – go you! It is awesome how far you have come. Be proud, and focus on the things you love about your body and showing those off.
    5) Buy some new shorts that fit really well. Not just the right size, but the right shape too. You might have to spend quite a bit of time in fitting rooms to find something that works, but it is amazing what a difference it makes wearing shorts that aren’t pinching your leg fat or riding up and bunching by your crotch.
    6) If you are pasty white like me, try some self-tanning lotion, or getting some sun. It really makes my legs feel smaller when they have a touch of color.
    7) Above all, you should feel comfortable and confident. Your legs probably look perfectly awesome, but if you hate them, then wear something that is going to make you feel good about your body. Nothing is more sexy than confident.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Thanks everyone - this is about the only place i am comfortable saying this haha (I figure many of you can relate in some way)

    i think i'm not as upset that my thighs are still big, i accept that like my big butt (I KNEW my arms and legs would never be slim unless I was underweight).

    It's the very foldy-jiggly aspect of them that's particularly off-putting and making me uncomfortable to show them. I guess if I can maintain my weight and recover from my "injuries" enough to do more work on muscle building things may be tighter next summer :) (simlarly with my arms).
  • maryannholder77
    maryannholder77 Posts: 4 Member
    First of all, congratulations on what you have accomplished! Not an easy task, so take great pride in that. Secondly, I fully believe that lifting heavy weights can help tighten and give shape. If you have not before, check out the book "Thinner, Leaner, Stronger" by Mike Matthews.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Just wear them! There will always be someone bigger wearing something with even less material so wear whatever you like and who cares.
  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    i look horrible in everything and don't give a lick. you do you! like someone said, confidence is incredibly attractive!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I understand OP.

    After being overweight most of my life and losing 80 pounds, it took a couple years of maintaining for my body to tighten up and get to where I wanted out of clothes. Weight training has helped me a lot.

    Congrats on your amazing progress!