My DIY Circuit Workout!?

Okay so I've never been very good at sticking to a regular workour routine. I can never seem to find the time/motivation to get my butt to the gym and I much prefer hiking, walking, cycling and running outside. I also find that there is so much advice out there around workouts, I just get really confused about what I should be doing! However I have a vacation to Hawaii in 6 weeks and toning is of the essence! So I've decided to bring it back to basics and work to a basic resistance training routine at home, and here she is...

Circuit - 3 x per week

1 minute plank (freestyle - change it to side planks)
10 sit ups with a medicine ball (again freesytle - throw some twists in there and whatnot)
10 push ups
10 squats with a medicine ball

Repeat the above 5 times, works out at 20 minutes per workout. I figure that as the weeks go on I can up the minutes/reps per circuit.

I also plan to go running at least twice a week, along with my usual cardio which includes biking to work and hiking at the weekends.

What do y'all think? Any feedback will be most welcome :)