Fruit and Sugar Content

Hi everyone, I've just come back to MFP after a long (and weight-gaining...) absence - trying really hard to stay motivated and stick with it this time! Part of that is to be really diligent about cataloging foods and I like to look at the full nutrition, not just the calories.

My problem is that I love snacking on fruit (cherries and blueberries especially), but it always throws my sugar count really off. Should I be concerned about fruit-based sugars being what puts me over? I know it's natural and unrefined, but to my body what is the difference between fruit sugar and, say, sugar from granola bars or something?

Thanks for any thoughts!

Edit: Oh man, I just saw that this is like an immediate repeat of a thread going on right now! Guess I'll read up over there :laugh:


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    MFP's recommendation for sugar = the WHO's (World Health Organization's) recommendation for ADDED/REFINED sugar. There is no difference between naturally occuring sugar in fruit vs sugar in your soda...except with the fruit, it is all wrapped up in fiber and other nutrients whereby your body metabolizes the sugar more slowly...with a soda, you're just getting a straght shot of sugar.

    Also, if you don't have a medical condition or otherwise aren't insulin sensitive, sugar will have absolutely no bearing on whether you lose weight or not.
  • yarneycat
    yarneycat Posts: 11 Member
    MFP's recommendation for sugar = the WHO's (World Health Organization's) recommendation for ADDED/REFINED sugar. There is no difference between naturally occuring sugar in fruit vs sugar in your soda...except with the fruit, it is all wrapped up in fiber and other nutrients whereby your body metabolizes the sugar more slowly...with a soda, you're just getting a straght shot of sugar.

    Also, if you don't have a medical condition or otherwise aren't insulin sensitive, sugar will have absolutely no bearing on whether you lose weight or not.

    That's really great to know. I don't have any medical reason for limiting sugar intake, I just try to keep it low. No juice, pop, drinking black coffee, that kind of thing.