Calorie Accuracy, Strava VS Garmin Vs MFP

I use Strava for cycling and or running/walks.

Numbers are different when I use Strava vs manually inputting them to MFP

What gives, why are calories burned so all over the place...

Is it the App, MFP or something that gets weird when sycning?

Are stand alone GPS Bike Computers or GPS run watches more accurate than phone with an app?

Trying to hold my self accountable more these days, small difference in calories add up especially if I ever need to eat my work out calories.


  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    They are all wonky in their own way. I wear my chest strap for any cardio work - while it's not 100% accurate (nothing is), I feel that it's my best shot for getting close.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Much like weather forecasts, calorie burns are, at best, educated guesses. Log what you're doing, using the method, tracker or voodoo of your choice, and, if you like your results, continue. If you don't like your results change something (diet or activity level). Check again later and if you like your results...
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    What gives, why are calories burned so all over the place...

    None of them know, and they use different ways of guessing. The ways to actually measure your calorie burn during exercise are to do it in a metabolic chamber, wear a gas exchange mask, or use a power meter.

    It's like if you go ask two random people how many dogs were born yesterday, if they humor you with a guess, you'll get two different answers, because they don't know.

    1/3 body weight in pounds, per mile, for walking. Double for running. Strava might be as reasonable as you'll get on a bike, don't trust them if it was crazy windy or you drafted a lot.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The database entries are also a wide range of speeds, and the studies they are based on have very minor chance of actually matching up with your personal ride.
    It is a very rough estimate for those that have nothing to give a better clue.

    But you do, and while I've found Strava to be lacking compared to power meter, it's better than many other estimates.