My Workout? Looking For Advice !

Okay everyone. I'm not new to this app, but I've never posted before. I'm looking for someone who knows what they're doing, as I don't really. Haha. I'm done my first week of working out and dieting and I feel great. I'm just looking at my workout plan and I was hoping someone on here might take a look and tell me if I've got a good set up. The cardio I get is at work, I work in a nursing home and I'm always running around. But other then that I don't have much time to go for a jog, and along with that I never do well running, my legs want to give out super early and so do my lungs. I've been told I'm breathing wrong.

I work 8 hours at a home, then 2 at the hospital privately. I get home and use the exercise machine in my basement.
It has the bars to push out while sitting. Pulling down while sitting (this hurts one of my shoulders and often it sounds almost like something is popping?) and to push out , straightening your legs. I do 5 rounds of 12 reps of each.

I do 100 squats, 25 between each round on the machine for 4.

Then I go to my weights/ exercise ballI do :
12 bent over rows (10lb wt)
12 upright rows (10lb wt)
24 standing chest press (5lb wt)
12 over head press (10lb wt)
12 side raises (10lb wt)
12 kick backs (each side, 10lb wt)
12 1 arm dumbbell rows. (each side 10lb wt)
12 band pulls.
12 wheel turns (each arm, band under feet rotating arms in sm circles.)
12 read the paper ( sitting. band around feet and doing a v motion pulling up with arm)
12 over head rows on exercise ball. (10lb wt)
12 chest press on ball (under sm of back 10lb wt)
50 crunches on ball
25 standing oblique crunches each side.

Then I do a 10 minute arm workout from FitnessSugar

Usually I would do 2 rounds of all te arm workouts.
Is this too much? My arms are definitely burningin the end.
I'm looking to lose inches ( my calorie intake is always below 1250 and healthy choices. ) and tone up the fat I have.
I'm 235 lbs. I do not hve a goal weight as I'm looking to LOOK good. Not have the scale look good.

This is a long post so if you read it all thank you so much. Anyone with ANY advice for me please share.

Thank you and good luck !! :)


  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    If you are doing everything you listed here everyday, then it may be too much. You may want to consider splitting your workouts, one day upper body, lower body the next.

    Even though it is great that you have not set yourself up to succeed or fail based on a number on a scale (major positive), consider setting some type of clearly defined goal. Something small and somewhat short term, like "I am going to lose X pounds in Y weeks", or "I am going to work up to 15lb dumbbells".

    Finally, since you're not married to any particular goal weight, you may want keep track of inches with a tape measure instead, especially if you are more concerned with changing the shape of your body with weight training.

    Oh yeah, and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    Definitely split that up. I usually have 9-10 different exercises per workout and leave it at that. It is about 35-45 minutes. Then maybe about 10-15 mins of cardio (maybe try HIIT for some quick exercise). That being said, I would increase the purposeful cardio a little bit.

    Agree with everything Melissa said. Lastly, go ahead and push yourself in the weights if you aren't already. One thing you will learn on these boards - even for women - LIFT HEAVY. You can probably also cut down on sets. Try 3 sets at 8-12 reps, if you like.