Exercising PAST the obstacles!

I have problems with my legs, liver, lungs, yada yada, BUT I am in the gym working out anyway, walking on that treadmill anyway, doing the recumbent bike anyway. I moved to the second floor of an apartment building, anyway, just so I would have to climb the stairs. ,

I would like to hear from other people who are pushing past the pain or obstacles. And if you are an overcomer, active in your weight loss, please add me to your friends. I would love that inspiration and camaraderie.

I'm committed and excited to be losing weight. ❤️


  • no1elseislikeme
    no1elseislikeme Posts: 69 Member
    I have bad knees. I’ve literally had them all my life, I’m 26. And I have done nothing to cause it. I was never overweight or obese at any point, I never played sports, ran track, anything. I vividly remember getting up from my mom’s bed one time and my knee just gave out on me. I was 15. But I still walked and such. Then, last summer, when I was returning home from a walk, I hit a puddle and I went down like a sack of bricks and brought all of my weight down on my left knee. It was quite painful. And my knee got worse. Last November, I started working out daily. And I have kept it up ever since. And I have noticed a drastic reduction in my knee pain. I’m pain free for the most part as long as I don't overdo it or strain it.
    But I did actively work to lose weight, going from being on the high end of a safe weight at 144 to where I am now at 119 over about a year and a half. With the exception of a recent 1 pound gain, which I expect will be gone in a few days, I have successfully kept it off and I eat in maintenance for the most part. I’ll definitely add you. I’m very good at motivation and encouragement. 😊
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Good for you (literally and figuratively!). I wouldn't say I'm an overcomer now - I'm mostly just a li'l ol' lady having fun these days - but I think maybe I was when I came out of treatment for stage III (advanced) breast cancer (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, drugs) and became very active around 18 years ago at age 45 after decades of being pretty inactive. I didn't lose weight until about 4 years ago, despite staying very active while obese (even competing in rowing events). Being more active, and reaching a healthy weight each very literally changed my life.

    I predict you'll see amazing rewards from making gradual, manageable, positive changes in your life.

    Best wishes!
  • keithwp99
    keithwp99 Posts: 83 Member
    I'll add my "congrats"

    Heck. 59 yo here. Strength training and trail running 6x per week. It's easier at times to say what is not aching or hurting. Knee surgery 5 years back. Knee, hips, hams, achilles... what compression gear do I not yet own ! :smile:

    Keep at it. Expect obstacles and failure. Be consistent in diet and work outs. Move past the failures and celebrate the wins!
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    I struggle with significant plantar fasciitis. I was a runner, and will probably never be able to run again. I try to be active in other ways, mostly strength training and walking. Recently I’ve had an increase in foot pain even from those activities, so I’ll be back to PT. It’s frustrating!! There are so many activities I’d love to do, and my body holds me back. But being active makes me feel SO much better, I just need to keep plugging away. Good luck to you!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Well done. I have Eds type 3 (hypermobility type) and aspergers and live with a background level of pain that will never go away. Over the last few years I I've come to the decision that rather than let that pain rule me I rule it.
    There are days when it feels like I'm walking on broken glass when I first get up, but I push through.
    I now do various forms of training every day, averaging 3hours a day. I lift relatively heavy weights, I go to high intensity classes, I work with a pt 5x a week, and I run.....marathons. oh and when I'm not peaking in marathon training I have at least one interval cardio session on my own a week.