Lost motivation after mini vacation

Hello! So- I’ve been exercising every other day with a mixture of running, HIIT and circuits for about 3 months straight. I’m seeing changes and it’s awesome! However... my fiancé and I went on a mini vacation to Boston (we live in nyc) for an extended weekend and I’ve lost every ounce of motivation to get back into the rhythm. I know I have to start back up- but I’m debating on just starting fresh on Sunday because we have to travel again this weekend for an event.

How have you overcome working out in between stints of traveling? How do you get back into it? I know I should just hop back in but my brain just wants to sleep and relax. All tips are appreciated!


  • MelissaLim1
    MelissaLim1 Posts: 1 Member
    I gained a bunch of weight in NYC during Xmas. I just consistently reminded myself to up my water n each day just do something healthy until I got back my groove. Life is a journey so make it fun n happy.