Weight Won't Budge After Two Babies

Hey everyone-
I'm having difficulty edging weight off after two babies. My first is 2 1/2, my second, 16 months.
I initially dropped the weight from my second, but have been stagnant at the weight I was pre-baby #2 for a year now.
Before children, I exercised an hour p/d of fast walking 5-6 days per week and consumed as much or little as I wanted and was a tad underweight.
I have been exercising an average of five days a week for many months now, but alas I've been sitting at the same weight.
I have varied my caloric consumption between 800 net to a max of 1900 net trying to find some "happy" place where the weight will start coming off.
I moved to a steady routine of burning 400-600 calories on days I exercise, as I started gaining weight when I was burning 700+ (I figured because I could never net enough calories on those days, which ended up being the 800 or so.)
The exercise I do is typically an hour to and hour 1/2 of fast walking with a double stroller (65ish pounds) on hilly terrain.
I also do some of the arc trainer and circuit training.

Any thoughts? Anyone been in a similar situation? How did you break through the barrier? Thanks!


  • cmalmasy
    cmalmasy Posts: 25 Member
    I can't offer you advice but I can sympathize with you! My girls are just three and twins who are 19 months. I also lost the weight easily after the first one but now have thirty pounds to lose post twin birth and I'm struggling as we'll. Maybe you should go to your doc and get some general lab work done just to rule out something metabolic?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Opening your diary would be a start. Something doesn't make sense.