Hi - i'm new

I'm 19 female, down to 8 stone 6(118 pounds) and 5 foot 4. (Was over 9 and half stone when i started weight loss - want to lose last few pounds)

Only recently i started using this site and actually realising how many calories i have a day which i didn't do before. Around the same time i've started to think more about food, get more hungry when i know im just bored, think about what my next few days meals are gonna be and its driving me crazy.

Before i was so good in not thinking about food although not knowing about the nutrional information of foods, I would hardly snack but doubt i still went over my daily calories (which i have set to 1200) but still slowly loosing weight. Now because i'm thinking about food straight after i've just eaten and all the time i want to snack more.

I really like this site/app but i think if i carry on this way i'm gonna go off the wagon and eat bad foods or just get too obssesed and go underweight?

Is 1200 calories enough for me? (I gym 4 times a week loosing about 400cals a session) and since i started this ive also been walking most days so another 100+ cals to try to make up for if i have a healthy snack!

Just want some thoughts and help please, thanks