Who lost weight without counting cals??



  • Bopo_Amy
    Bopo_Amy Posts: 19 Member
    Intuitive eating is a great concept. I eat intuitively and then log.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Remoth wrote: »
    It is definitely possible to change your way of eating and lose weight without counting calories, however I would definitely recommend it to people to count even for short periods every so often. Like for a week every month or two, just to keep portion sizes under control. determining proper portion sizes is key to not having to count calories all the time.

    Like Remoth has said, I also find it useful to count calories from time to time, but I don't log/count all the time.
    The counting keeps me aware of how many calories are in what I eat, and helps me keep my portions in check.
    It's working for me, but I do keep in mind that if it stops working, the first thing I will do will be to log more accurately/regularly.
  • Dgil1975
    Dgil1975 Posts: 110 Member
    I do understand that counting calories could be fatiguing to some, however I think it would be difficult to lose without doing so. Since going whole food plant based the common theme in the well known doctors of that community is that you absolutely do not need to count calories. I haven’t taken them at their word on this and tracking my calories allows me to see that I could easily go over my calories regularly while in a deficit if not weighing and tracking.

    But I do agree with the OP, I would rather not have to do the data entry involved with tracking, I just don’t see any other way for success in my case.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    To some extent it depends on why you are overweight. Looking at your logs helps you figure out where you are eating too much and where you can make changes. That done, you could make significant changes so you lose weight without needing to count calories. It's not easy, but it is possible.

    For me, I gain weight when I eat out a lot. I'm okay once a week, but more than that and I gain weight. When I was working and eating at restaurants for lunch every day, it was very hard to control my weight. I gain weight when I eat dessert, especially big desserts, all the time. One cookie is fine, pie and ice cream not so much. I can lose weight through exercise, if I exercise a lot. Years ago I walked to and from work and walked during my lunch hour every day, then hiked on the weekend. I could eat whatever I wanted. Now when I'm travelling and get to hike or run every day, I can lose weight, as long as I'm not eating a lot of restaurant meals. At home I run 5-6 days a week, so I can eat desserts more often without gaining weight. That isn't possible for everyone. It took me years to figure out portion sizes. I was raised in a family where eating seconds or thirds was normal, even expected. I ate almost as much as my older brothers did. That had predictable results. It wasn't until I was living alone that I started learning to cut down the sheer volume of food I considered normal. I still eat more than most women my age and size, but I have it more or less under control. If I keep the above in mind and am pretty strict with myself, I can lose weight without actually counting calories. I just avoid desserts, alcohol, restaurant meals, and large portions, and exercise a lot. In the short term, that works for me.

    That said, I've tried to maintain weight loss without logging and I don't usually manage all that well. For me, having the numbers in front of me keeps me a lot more aware of how much I'm eating. It's really easy to indulge a little here, and a little there, until I'm indulging every day. And the weight piles on. After decades of yoyo eating, losing and gaining the same 30-40 pounds over and over, I learned I do better logging my food and exercise. I've kept off the weight for over 5 years since I started on MFP.
  • amyf2000
    amyf2000 Posts: 44 Member
    OP: I am over counting calories. I did it for about five years. I am also at a healthy weight and only want to lose a few pounds. (I’ve never been overweight, which might make my situation different from others’.) Counting calories worked for me as it does for many people. I’m still searching for something else. I’m not gaining, but I’m not losing either. I’m currently experimenting with lowering carbs. It’s ok to not want to count calories, though you won’t hear a lot of validation for that on MFP. I’m happier not counting, weighing, measuring, and I’d rather be happy than a size 4, as much as I want to be a size 4.
  • 30kgin2017
    30kgin2017 Posts: 228 Member
    I am losing weight without counting calories. I am on a meal plan that dictates serving size of food. 170g of chicken is a serve of protein, cup of veggies, slices of. Bread (though we did get a lecture on making sure we cut the bread thin enough to get the given number of servingsetc. I don’t actually weigh mine though, I loook at the weight on the packet of meat and estimate. You need to be close on calorie dense food but things like zucchini or cauliflower not so much.

    Mind you I have a fair bit of weight to lose so accuracy isn’t critical at this stage. I am about 1/3 of my way to goal, I suspect I wil have to weigh food when I get closer. I have done it before, bulk cooking is the way to go so you do the weighing and calculating all at once.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I lost 17 lbs. in around 40 days during Lent 2019 when I took intermittent fasting for my first test drive. I didn't count calories.
  • bluesheeponahill
    bluesheeponahill Posts: 169 Member
    edited March 2019
    Ive been trying to lose weight for a long time. Counting calories is working for me the best.

    Don't starve yourself over messing up one day. for example, MFP says I should do 1200 calories to lose 1 kilo a week. I more like eat 1400-1500 calories. I don't freak out. I just lose more like 0.5 kilo a week instead. I cant do 1200. I get cranky and hungry. Unless I'm out and about all day, 1200 is easy. Its ok to go slightly over. its ok to eat back your exercise calories, and you should, otherwise you'll be hungry all day. weight loss is not an overnight thing. it took me 12 weeks to lose 7kilos. it was hard, but it's working.