working out everyday

Is it a bad idea to not take a day of rest. I really like waking up and working out and I feel so tired all day if I don't work out now. (hooray for that! haha) but i've heard that you have to take a day of rest. i feel like if i take a day of rest, it'll throw me off and i won't stay on track. just wanted to know what i should do (:


  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I would say do whatever feels right for you! If that is what gets you going in the am so be it! If that is the case maybe a day or two of your seven day stretch maybe do something a little easier so your muscles can recover? Maybe some low impact yoga or something. Just an idea. Please mind I am no proffesional on this matter. :)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Is it a bad idea to not take a day of rest. I really like waking up and working out and I feel so tired all day if I don't work out now. (hooray for that! haha) but i've heard that you have to take a day of rest. i feel like if i take a day of rest, it'll throw me off and i won't stay on track. just wanted to know what i should do (:

    Day of rests are so that your body can recover, when you work out, muscle fibres tear and repair themselves constantly, this is how muscles grow. If you don't rest up, they don't get this chance to repair properly.

    Look on days of rest as part of your training, you aren't avoiding training but aiding it.

    Not going all religious or anything, but even in the Bible the seventh day was a rest day :wink:
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    okay this was totally awesome and a great response:

    Not going all religious or anything, but even in the Bible the seventh day was a rest day

    i too was planning to workout everyday, but i will schedule in a rest day - maybe just some stretching or a light walk?
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    okay this was totally awesome and a great response:

    Not going all religious or anything, but even in the Bible the seventh day was a rest day

    i too was planning to workout everyday, but i will schedule in a rest day - maybe just some stretching or a light walk?

    Absolutely, nothing wrong with stretching or light walking as that could be in the course of your day to day living anyway :flowerforyou:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i find that recovery days increase my performance the next day. like i ran 6 miles yesterday, if i ran today .. id never hit 4 miles today and tomorrow id never be able to go past like 3.... my legs just wont do it.
    but ive done the everyday thing for a while....
    my advice maybe is do 2 days on 1 day off?!
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    when I used to be in great shape I worked out everday sometimes twice a day. You can do cardio 7x a week. If you do strength training you just need to make sure your muscles have notenderness or you risk injury.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Since starting this journey one month ago, I have not missed a day of working out. (Being unemployed, I have the ample time) I, too, am one of those people that, if I go just one day without, I will have messed up my 'perfect attendance' record, if you will. However, once I read Lotus' response, I am thinking that, I will concentrate on different parts on different days. While my lower body is resting and repairing, I will work upper body, and vice versa! It's the best I can do......I must have OCD or something.

    I went 14 YEARS without eating chocolate, and if just once in that time I had so much as a chocolate chip...well, there's goes my 'no hitter'! So, for me, it has to be all or nothing. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I can (and will) modify.

    IT'S THE BEST I CAN DO, MENTALLY On the seventh day, I start my new week of Couch to 5K! But I will be better from here on. (I promise!)

    (Thank you for your response, LotusFlowe!) :flowerforyou:
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    You CAN work out seven days a week. However, you can't do the same workout that seventh day. I feel awful on my rest days (Friday) because I love working out every day. It just makes me feel like I've accomplished something every day. I use my rest days to take my puppies for a walk around the neighborhood. It's a half hour of exercise and bonding time for my dogs. They're so patient every other day when we workout for an hour in the garage - they deserve their own day.

    Definitely don't do any strength training 7 days a week. Always have a day of rest in between your strength training to allow your muscles to repair. Cardio can be done 7 days a week but if you don't mix it up, eventually you won't be getting the benefits. Try a nice, easy swim or even an activity such as golf, walk in the woods, etc, etc. Those are great alternates to the gym on a Sunday. You're "exercising" but getting out.

    (Disclaimer: This is all my personal opinion so I'm sure people will feel differently. Everyone's body is unique so in the end, you just have to do what you need to do for you. ;])