How Do I Avoid Second Servings At Dinner Time?



  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    lin_be wrote: »
    I don’t know if you’re the main cook at home for dinner but I typically only cook enough for my husband and I to eat that evening. We rarely have leftovers. I am trying to reduce my food waste overall so it’s a good practice.

    or if you want leftover for lunch/dinner the next day (or to freeze) portion those out BEFORE eating. I usually separate my meals in portions before i eat so it's a clear definition.
  • melodyvegan
    melodyvegan Posts: 59 Member
    In addition to all the other great suggestions, brushing your teeth or having a cup of tea right after your dinner can help curb the desire to keep eating. If you're not truly "stomach hungry" you're just "mouth hungry" and that's all about cravings for something tasty so changing the flavors you're tasting in your mouth can go a long way. Hell, even having a small piece of dark chocolate at the end can help you curb the urge to keep eating, but really brushing your teeth or drinking tea can be very helpful!