My first post

Hello, my new friends. I am new to talking about my fitness weight goals. I'm hopeful that some camaraderie and accountability will help me meet my goals.
Until a few years ago, I never struggled with my weight. I used exercise to balance out the stress in my life. Injuries and illness caused significant changes in my lifestyle. Add to that a major move from Colorado to Idaho, and the result is an extra 30 pounds.

I don't recognize myself in the mirror. I am determined to find "me" again, and get back to a healthy weigh. My genetic disposition is not long lived, and I want to do whatever I can to live a long, healthy life.

Thank you for listening to my story. I hope that by sharing it, and by hearing your stories, it will help me to remain determined and focused.


  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Hello, and welcome to MFP! I had the same experience of seeing my reflection in a mirror and thinking "that is NOT what I'm supposed to look like." I lost 40 pounds in 2017, and another 10 or so in 2018. This totally works with determination and patience.
    Did you get a food scale yet? Weighing your food in grams is key.
  • bbardwell0916
    bbardwell0916 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I believe support is important and I also had some major injuries that really set me back. We can do this. I restarted myfitnesspal after a few years of not doing it. It worked before so I'm hoping itll work again. Good luck! Add me if you want a friend to keep pushing through the pain.
  • kadurden
    kadurden Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions and words of encouragement. I am feeling very encouraged to have comrades who have had, or are having, a similar experience.