Got Weighed at Doc's; Breaking Down



  • laceygaywilson
    laceygaywilson Posts: 330 Member
    Hey hey!!! I was a scale scared freak the first two times I lost weight!!! I couldn't get on it except at Walmart!!! This last week I went opposite of that!!! I have a scale I step on it and post it daily!! Log my food work out and stick to my plan!!! Dr. Says you are good!! You are good!!!! There is a lot to look at!! Muscle mass...body fat....bloating...lack of sleep!! Remember this is about the way you feel not the number!!! Since I have challenged myself to get on the scale and push my body to eat better work hard and do right I lost 7lbs and I feel stronger and better than ever before!!! It's in the head not on the scale!!!! Stay positive!!! Here if ya wanna add me!!! Check out my story!!!
  • BuiltLikeAPeep
    BuiltLikeAPeep Posts: 94 Member
    QueenNeice wrote: »
    Hey! I hope your day is going better now than it was when you were writing this post! I just wanted to shed some light on why you may have gained weight. First off understand that the scale doesn't matter. The scale is just a number and it doesn't determine whether your healthy or not. Secondly, weight is distributed on each person uniquely. So someone who is also the same weight as you (133 lbs) may look bigger or smaller than you just depends on the person. Thirdly, you mentioned that you do cardio and then weight training every other day. When you lift weights your burning fat and gaining muscle. So the scale may show you have "gained weight" but the scale isn't designed to differentiate whether you gained muscle or fat. So to put it in perspective, I think the weight gain you are seeing is due to you gaining muscle which isn't a bad thing, because as you continue to lose fat you are toning, and tightening your body, so you don't have loose skin. I personally think you have lost fat especially since you see that your tummy is slimming down. So if you want to know how much fat your losing, my best suggestion to you is to check you BMI (body mass index) which will give you a more accurate rating on your total body fat percentage. I would also research for your height, what is a good percentage range for you to be in for that. Other than that, please don't feel bad, disgusted or ashamed in anyway. Your doing amazing!! Have patience with yourself, love your self through the process one step at a time, and do more research so you understand exactly how things are calculated. AND REMEMBER: the number on the scale doesn't matter. Its how you feel on the inside!

    I agree. Also, you should measure yourself. I gained a couple of pounds and felt very discouraged, but when I took my measurements, I had lost inches, which is way more important to me than the actual weight loss number. I suggest an app- I have one called Body Measurement Tracker (for Android) and I'm pretty sure there are apps if you have an iPhone. Good luck! We are all here for you!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    What's your BMi? I always weigh more at the doctors. My gp says a BMi of 25.0 is average. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the toilet. Also check your waist circumference. I'm an average bmi, but my waist circumference is too large. Well done on all that Exercise, that must be helping your mental health. And we'll done for clothes fitting.
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    edited March 2019
    OP, if you google or search on Instagram “pound of muscle versus pound of fat” you’ll find photos that show replicas of what the same weight of muscle looks like compared to muscle. Yes, a pound is a pound, but the volume of muscle versus fat is pretty different. I’d much rather carry an extra pound of muscle around any day.

    I’m not suggesting that the entire weight difference you’re seeing is all muscle, but it might explain some of it. Others here have offered additional reasons.

    You have also said your face looks better and your clothes look better on you and you look slimmer - the scale does not tell the whole story ESPECIALLY when it’s not the same scale you use at home.

    Taking photos of yourself and taking measurements can help show progress where the scale does not.

    None of us here are professionals but we do want you to know that the number on the doctor’s office scale only tells part of the story. You are working out: you are probably building muscle. Be kind to yourself, and don’t give up.
  • groovingroomer
    groovingroomer Posts: 44 Member
    I seriously only weigh myself every couple of months or so because of this same issue! I workout 3 to 4 x per week burning anywhere from 250 - 600 cals per workout! Good sweaty ones! I am 5' 2" and 160 lbs. I used to get uneasy and "disgusted" if I started creeping toward the higher 130's.... I am 56 years old now and look in great shape! I just want to tell you, it will never be good enough if you don't accept and love yourself NOW. I would love to be back in the 130's... and am still doing my 1200 cals per day here and working out, but I refuse to be a slave to it anymore! I still enjoy all the foods I like, and have a drink if I want. It's like the saying goes... you look at a picture of yourself 10 years ago, and say, I looked great there! But at the time, you were trying to lose just the 5 or 10 more lbs... its and endless cycle. I hope you can find peace with your body as it is - healthy and strong!! Sending hugs!!!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    mstarks01 wrote: »
    Some of you may recognize me from my posts I've made months ago, others may not.
    I have been working out since early December; I do cardio 3-5 times a week, with weight training every other day. I have also been eating healthier, doing my best to stay around 1200 calories; I don't avoid any foods, other than meat, but that's due to being pescatarian. I have avoided looking at the scale for the last few months due to fear of what it would say. I have struggled with an Eating Disorder in the past, and still struggle from disordered thinking.

    Today, after about 4 months of not knowing my weight, I discovered it at the doctor. I am devastated.

    We don't know each other, but here's what I can gather from this post and your profile.

    You're a hard worker and committed. Working out 5 days a week takes work.

    You used to be around 200lbs and, even if the scale today was accurate today, holy crap that's AMAZING. How many people can say they lost that much weight and kept it off?

    You are smart and articulate. Your post clearly shows you have a head on your shoulders.

    You are kind. I can see it in your eyes. You are a cat lover and children's counselor. What could possibly be more admirable than helping children?

    You're an Anime nerd and a pescetarian. Hey, I'm a nerd and pescetarian, too! Nerds unite!

    In short, you're having a bad day. I know how it feels. It sucks. But maybe if you can widen the lens a bit, you can reflect on all of the positive qualities you have. You are not your body. You are a smart, articulate, pretty, hard-working and compassionate person. These feelings will pass. I promise.

    The response above is so lovely and compassionate! Although I’d just been lurking, it even made me feel better about myself. 👍👍👍