HELP!! Will I blow up?!?



  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I had to take that dosage for a week plus 2 steroid shots and I didn't notice any water retention or increased hunger (I'm always hungry anyways). It gave me bad back spasms but that's all I remember. 7 days is nothing.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    It's only for a week. You'll be fine.
  • R4eBro
    R4eBro Posts: 44 Member
    I was on prednisone for my asthma for ten days and none of those things happened. It apples when you are on steroids or a long period of time!
  • ably65
    ably65 Posts: 41
    I was JUST about to post about this!!!!

    I was on a very low dose steroid for 4 weeks and didn't think it could possibly impact my weight. During that time I was working out very hard and was eating very clean and....nothing. My weight didn't budge and I actually went up a pound. I stopped it last Wednesday and since then I dropped 6 pounds (and it is that TOM when I usually go up a bit).

    This is what I think: some people are more sensitive to steroids than others BUT the weight gain or weight stall on short term or low dose is entirely due to water weight.

    My advice? Drink lots of water and, if your MD says it is OK use a natural electrolyte mix like Ultima. There is some research that steroids mess with your electrolytes. Stick with it!!! If you stall for that one week then you will drop the weight about a week after you finish the steroids.

    Hope this makes you feel better. :)