Littlest Losers (Week 4)



  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Got in all of my water :smile:
    Body Pump class last night: 60 minutes :happy:
    Food Intake: great during the day at work, not so great at home :embarassed:

    Up a couple more pounds...I am hoping it's water weight and the more I drink the more I'll lose :sad:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i was doing soo well exercise check water check veggies check then i ate half a tub ben and jerrys phish food icecream (almost TOM) an dnow im over by 36 calories guess whose going on the wii step later lol i knew it was a bad idea letting hubby buy me the icecream as a treat oh well i cant un eat it i can just hide it in back of freezer and try to forget i have it
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member

    just checkin in! did shred and spinning yesterday, then did elliptical for 55 mins this morning! drank over 16 glasses of water today and 6 servings of fruit & veggies! tomorrow i'm planning on shredding again in the morning and spinning again tomorrow night.

    this has been a good week food-wise & i'm hoping to see some good results on friday!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Losers,
    I did my power 90 sculpt yesterday and got in a walk last night. This morning I did Power 90 Sweat and was able to make it to spin/ab class tonight. I have done well with eating both days. Good start for the week. I already prepared dinner for tomorrow night. Grilled fish and fresh green beans. I will have a little struggle with lunch tomorrow because I have Jury duty - you never know where that might lead. But, I already have healthy snacks packed and I will eat a healthy breakfast.

    Keep up the good work everyone and push forword to your goals!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all!

    Got 7 glasses of water in and 8 servings of fruits/veggies yesterday!

    Walked/Ran 3 miles on the treadmill

    Still up a few pounds, but not going to give up!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a horrible food day yesterday! :explode: But I was still within my calorie goals.

    Oh well today is a new day and I have a wonderful salad for lunch! I have my fruit for snacks and my water is sitting here on my desk. I brought some lemon so I would drink a lot, I feel a little bloated today. I went on a walk this morning and plan on shredding tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a horrible food day yesterday! :explode: But I was still within my calorie goals.

    Oh well today is a new day and I have a wonderful salad for lunch! I have my fruit for snacks and my water is sitting here on my desk. I brought some lemon so I would drink a lot, I feel a little bloated today. I went on a walk this morning and plan on shredding tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    where are you at on your shredding? i did day 3 of level 3 this morning. i love level 3 - it's exhausting but i feel so strong by the time i finish!

    i'm planning to repeat the program for 30 days straight (i'm currently just doing like 4 days a week) in the month of August to tone up just a bit more for the wedding in September!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a horrible food day yesterday! :explode: But I was still within my calorie goals.

    Oh well today is a new day and I have a wonderful salad for lunch! I have my fruit for snacks and my water is sitting here on my desk. I brought some lemon so I would drink a lot, I feel a little bloated today. I went on a walk this morning and plan on shredding tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    where are you at on your shredding? i did day 3 of level 3 this morning. i love level 3 - it's exhausting but i feel so strong by the time i finish!

    i'm planning to repeat the program for 30 days straight (i'm currently just doing like 4 days a week) in the month of August to tone up just a bit more for the wedding in September!

    I've been throwing it in every now and then. I am also planning on doing it the 30 or so days before the wedding. I am currently adding level 2 into the mix. How heavy are your weights when doing the shred?
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member

    I've been throwing it in every now and then. I am also planning on doing it the 30 or so days before the wedding. I am currently adding level 2 into the mix. How heavy are your weights when doing the shred?

    on the level 2 exercises I used 3 lb weights. im sticking to using those in level 3 too, but on 2 specific exercises i use 5 lb.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member

    I've been throwing it in every now and then. I am also planning on doing it the 30 or so days before the wedding. I am currently adding level 2 into the mix. How heavy are your weights when doing the shred?

    on the level 2 exercises I used 3 lb weights. im sticking to using those in level 3 too, but on 2 specific exercises i use 5 lb.

    Cool, that is what I have been using too! She goes a little quick to use anything heavier. (for me at least)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy thursday all hubbys 40th birthday today thinking might be a meal out in order just hoping he picks somewherei can get a healthy option and avoid dessert my kid sbroke up from school yesterday also
    hows everyone else thinking the holidays will go im hoping easy and fun but betting it becomes stress and dramas
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i thin tomorrow will be a goooooooood day for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what? no! i didnt peak at the scale!!! i would NEVER!:noway:

    have a good thursday everyone
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Didn't get any exercise in yesterday :noway:

    Water: 9 glasses

    Fruit: 4 servings.

    Stepped on the scale....still up :explode:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Losers,
    Had a good day yesterday, was able to do Power 90 in the morning and got in a walk last night. I was able to get in all my water plus some. Did well with veg. yesyerday - didn't have any fruit. Trying to watch carbs. so I am only have one fruit and I forgot yesterday!! Will have my apple with peanut butter as my power snack this afternoon. Yum. My only meatless meals have been breackfast with veg. egg white omlettes. I am still attempting to find a new food to try????

    I completed day 52 of Power 90 Sweat 3/4 !!! Ready to start phasing in phase 5/6 tomorrow!!! Yeah!!! I am ready. I just got my dvd's in yesterday!! Hopefully this will help push me through this stand still that is making me depressed!!!! But on a better note. Although the weight hasn't moved down - my body fat % is slowly moving down. So, I know that I am gaining muscle. Besides I can actually see it...LOL !!!

    Hope everyone has a great healthy day and a big loss in their weigh-in tomorrow!!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Got my veggies/fruits in today and water but my running has been so hard since I came back from vacation, just feel really sluggish. The MO humidity is not helping either!! Good luck with weigh in tomorrow!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    I am sooooo exhausted tonight :yawn: but I dragged my lazy butt down to my treadmill kicking and screaming anyway:grumble: Now I am even more tired, but sooooo happy I made myslef get on it!!:bigsmile: Here's hoping that tomorrow is a good day on the scale for myself and you all as well!! Goodnight! :flowerforyou:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i am sooooooo in lurve with my scales today i am down 4lbs dont care where they went as long as they dont creep back but wooohoooooo and yesssssssss todays weight 132lbs only 8lbs more to get to my target
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i am sooooooo in lurve with my scales today i am down 4lbs dont care where they went as long as they dont creep back but wooohoooooo and yesssssssss todays weight 132lbs only 8lbs more to get to my target

    AWESOME!!! don't you just love that feeling??

    I'm down this week too! down to 149.0 from 150.4. I was down to 147.8 when i checked on Saturday, but for the weigh in, I'm 149, and the OK with me!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!! :bigsmile:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm SO jealous of everyone's workouts this week! DH has been away for work, so I've been on my own all week - get kids up, dressed, fed, to daycare, work all day, pick up kids, home, dinner, bed... collapse, do it all again the next day. :sad: :yawn: Doesn't leave much time for my Shred. But he comes home tonight (YAY), and I'll probably give him a hug and kiss, then get right to Shredding! :laugh:

    Despite the busy week, I'm maintaining my weight at 145. I'll take it. Congrats to all who lost this week!

    lobster888 - thanks for your post the other day - so true!! MFP has been an absolute godsend for me - so glad to have you all here!!

    Happy weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    sooooo ive cheated and looked at the scale twice this week... once on monday and once yesterday lol and i was 116!!!!! but TOM has me fluctuating all over the place.

    my weigh in is 117.4

    but after TOM is gone, ill drop all the water weight and see where it takes me next week =]

    congrats to everyone who lost! and to those who didnt... dont worry! little losers lose slower! just know ur healthier but the weight is just tough to get off.

    P.S. ive been doing situps and pushups and squats and lunges.... i feel like they become easier and im loving the toning effect.

    so i encourage u all to do some =]
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