I Have Hit the Wall!

I don't know if it's physically, psychologically or emotionally -- but after 10 weeks, I have hit the wall!

I lost two pounds this week, but I didn't feel good about it. I worked out hard, restricted calories but feel that it wasn't worth it for two pounds. I would have had a much happier week losing just one pound and eating a few tacos. I'm tired, irritable, unhappy and feeling restricted.

My personal trainer has really kicked up our sessions a notch and I find myself much more breathless, something I'm not used to and kind of freaks me out (I used to have allergy attacks as a kid and not being able to catch my breath is kind of a cause for panic.) I'm not afraid of hard work, but this is worrying me because I have chest tightness -- this may be my lungs expanding, heartburn or my heart working really hard. It also takes me about two days to recover from a session because I'm exhausted and I feel nauseous. I haven't felt this badly since I've been training.

I'm trying to figure out why it's such a grind and I think I need to eat more calories, so I'm adding 300-500 to the mix in hopes it helps my body and me move ahead. My job started, I'm on baby-making hormones, and there's definitely more stress, but I hope the added calories may help me be less exhausted and cranky. I also talked with my trainer who said she was listening to me, but had her frowny-face on so I don't know how much she understands that this is a problem for me rather than fat-girl complaining. (She even agreed I need 200-300 calories more a day, but I tend to decide my diet on my own.)

Has anyone hit this point in their diet and exercise routine? If so, how did you get out of it? Is there a way out of it?


  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    Just keep going. You will likely have a really awesome week down the road that makes up for it. I look at it by months. Even though I have stalled a few times, it all managed to work its way out in the long run. So just keep an eye on the long term and not week by week.