Went way over my calories

So we had a July Birthday celebration at work on Friday and had a lot of food. I ate way to much went over on my calories by 900. Now yesterday I am trying to get back on track, but I seem to be more hungry and went over again, yesterday it was only by 100. Here I am today and I just had breakfast yet I still feel hungry. Is this common when you go over? Did I stretch my stomach or something? Any help would be appreciated!


  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    This happens to me when I get too much sugar. I'm not qualified to comment on how this works, but I usually get over it by drinking lots of water, and upping my intake of fresh veggies and fruit. I'm not sure why this works for me, but it does. Hopefully, some other posters may have a more scientific approach!
  • funkylemur
    funkylemur Posts: 55 Member
    I think its because when we have a mini blow out, your mind gets tricked into thinking that your going to fill up like this every day, poss why its trying to tell you your still hungry! I agree with the other reply, up your water intake and possibly go for more filling food - brown rice, pasta etc x
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I would say to try and drink more water and stay under your calories today. I know that if we go out-to-dinner later (I usually eat early and don't eat after dinner), the next night I'm starving at that late night time. I just say it is Ok to be hungry sometimes!!!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    And remember that if you are set for 2lbs a week, 900 calories over is still 100 under! No need to beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track and get skinny!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yeah, honey, sounds like you just sent your blood sugar on a little roller-coaster ride. Just up your protein intake a little, really watch the refined ANYTHING, fill up on healthy veggies, and you should be fine. :flowerforyou:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    @gtrigg, happy bday! Mine is 2 days away, too!
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    In terms of why you are more hungry, I am not sure about that, but I thiink the advice of drinking more water and veggies is pretty good idea.

    In terms of cheating, I know it feels lousy to cheat but just do not dwell on that specific event. Just get back on the diet and move ahead. At least it was a good cheat :) Remember if you are going to cheat make it worth it!!!
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Whenever I go over and have a hard time resetting I will do a few days sticking to water, whole fruits and veg, lean protein, and maybe a little rice. I can eat alot more food for my calorie allowance if I stick to this, even for one day, so it gets me back in the swing of eating healthy but I don't feel like I am starving.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    @gtrigg, happy bday! Mine is 2 days away, too!

    Oh wow! Happy B-Day to you, too! :flowerforyou:

    I just had to go in and change my goal ticker. :frown: I'm not going to be able to weigh for a couple of weeks. I think I made the goal, though!
  • ezreka
    ezreka Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will try the water and eating fruits and vegetables.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    hey 3500 calories equals 1lb so you did at most 1/3 lb of damage. not bad at all. we all have days where we go to a party or there is some other occaision and we go over. it's inevitable. don't worry too much, there's always a new day tomorrow.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    hey 3500 calories equals 1lb so you did at most 1/3 lb of damage. not bad at all. we all have days where we go to a party or there is some other occaision and we go over. it's inevitable. don't worry too much, there's always a new day tomorrow.

    Yes, doing it just once is only 1/3 lb. But 3 times in a week or two would be 3 pounds. I firmly believe in putting your mistakes behind you but make sure you learn from them so you know how to avoid going over as much in a similar situation. :flowerforyou: