Girl at work............



  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    New girl at my work she's very friendly and just adorable, been working with her for about 3-4 weeks. Starting to get feelings/crush for her but don't want to jeopardize work over her especially if she doesn't feel the same way. What should I do? just let the feelings pass? tell her how I feel? we talk alot but its always at work should I try to make a plan for something say dinner? srs thread is srs.
    Edit #2: just actually read whole thread, flirt with her at work to convey you actually like her, then invite her out to get drinks or if you're nervous invite a few people you work with out but if you do this make sure you're an alpha so your coworkers can't steal her.

    Haha I think I already established a alpha role at work.... Brb boss is a women..brb I go to work with stubble/short facial hair when its against policy and boss says nothing about it, but every other guy shaves face completely if they don't they get talked to but she also adores me. anyways yeah we do talk and she does flirt but not much she's very friendly if anything her roommate is more flirty with me but i'm not into her. I'm go with the co workers out for a drink thing, I have no reason to worry about other guys stealing her.
  • peterplsss
    peterplsss Posts: 169
    New girl at my work she's very friendly and just adorable, been working with her for about 3-4 weeks. Starting to get feelings/crush for her but don't want to jeopardize work over her especially if she doesn't feel the same way. What should I do? just let the feelings pass? tell her how I feel? we talk alot but its always at work should I try to make a plan for something say dinner? srs thread is srs.
    Edit #2: just actually read whole thread, flirt with her at work to convey you actually like her, then invite her out to get drinks or if you're nervous invite a few people you work with out but if you do this make sure you're an alpha so your coworkers can't steal her.

    Haha I think I already established a alpha role at work.... Brb boss is a women..brb I go to work with stubble/short facial hair when its against policy and boss says nothing about it, but every other guy shaves face completely if they don't they get talked to but she also adores me. anyways yeah we do talk and she does flirt but not much she's very friendly if anything her roommate is more flirty with me but i'm not into her. I'm go with the co workers out for a drink thing, I have no reason to worry about other guys stealing her.
    Then you in there bro, stay safe and have fun. Remember the hole is lower than you think and the more bags the not better ;)
  • Terry_21
    Step1 - Try to be a bit more friendly wid her ( more than other guys at work but dont be pushy)
    Step 2 - ask her out ( casually) for drinks or coffee
    Step 3 - get her cell
    Step 4 - take her out for dinner..

    Rest u know :)

    Best of luck
  • emmawoolf84
    emmawoolf84 Posts: 243 Member
    Don't overthink it too much. If you like her, make it evident.
  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    New girl at my work she's very friendly and just adorable, been working with her for about 3-4 weeks. Starting to get feelings/crush for her but don't want to jeopardize work over her especially if she doesn't feel the same way. What should I do? just let the feelings pass? tell her how I feel? we talk alot but its always at work should I try to make a plan for something say dinner? srs thread is srs.
    Edit #2: just actually read whole thread, flirt with her at work to convey you actually like her, then invite her out to get drinks or if you're nervous invite a few people you work with out but if you do this make sure you're an alpha so your coworkers can't steal her.

    Haha I think I already established a alpha role at work.... Brb boss is a women..brb I go to work with stubble/short facial hair when its against policy and boss says nothing about it, but every other guy shaves face completely if they don't they get talked to but she also adores me. anyways yeah we do talk and she does flirt but not much she's very friendly if anything her roommate is more flirty with me but i'm not into her. I'm go with the co workers out for a drink thing, I have no reason to worry about other guys stealing her.
    Then you in there bro, stay safe and have fun. Remember the hole is lower than you think and the more bags the not better ;)

    Wtf I'm laughing because I did'nt understand anything you said there bro, also you a miscer mate?
  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    Crushes are the BEST.
    Step 1: get her cell #
    Step 2: flirt a little, scoop out the situation, compliment her.
    Step 3: do this for like a week. Girls usually break down after 3 days and start initiating techniques so that you will ask her out.

    Best of luck my friend! You are a great catch, she'd have to be blind and nuts to not want you. ;)

    Idk might hold on this even though it sounds promising. What I have done a few times is when shes around i'd ignore her abit and talk with other women in my workplace I found it kinda makes her alittle agitated and when I say ignore not rudely but I would talk to them more when shes around kinda lulzy haha.

    You!! Are such a male! Girls HATE to be ignored. It makes us all the more competitive. We want to have your attention.. Damn this is a good strategy. Good one. ;)

    Whoa, careful with this advice. My ex did this to me. That is how he became my ex! Good luck, but be very cautious, this could create a very awkward situation at work.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    bring her coffee : ) and, of course she's looking at you.... I mean... those abs...
  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    Crushes are the BEST.
    Step 1: get her cell #
    Step 2: flirt a little, scoop out the situation, compliment her.
    Step 3: do this for like a week. Girls usually break down after 3 days and start initiating techniques so that you will ask her out.

    Best of luck my friend! You are a great catch, she'd have to be blind and nuts to not want you. ;)

    Idk might hold on this even though it sounds promising. What I have done a few times is when shes around i'd ignore her abit and talk with other women in my workplace I found it kinda makes her alittle agitated and when I say ignore not rudely but I would talk to them more when shes around kinda lulzy haha.

    You!! Are such a male! Girls HATE to be ignored. It makes us all the more competitive. We want to have your attention.. Damn this is a good strategy. Good one. ;)

    Whoa, careful with this advice. My ex did this to me. That is how he became my ex! Good luck, but be very cautious, this could create a very awkward situation at work.

    Yeah what I'm worried about, also I'm always a gentlemen around her but I don't think that's enough :S
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Hard to tell could all pass as being overly friendly but us guy's are stupid when it comes to this. I catch her looking at me sometimes, always smiles when I come into the room. She also tries to start conversations as taking the lead alot but idk. Not enough for me to make my move yet, I have a strict no dating coworkers code but in this case willing to break it :S

    I try not to date coworkers too. It's gone up in flames a few times. Obviously just asking her out is all you can really do.
    If she says no, then you know for sure. But from what you're describing, it sounds like she likes you too.
  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    bring her coffee : ) and, of course she's looking at you.... I mean... those abs...

    Too bad I couldn't have my shirt off at work, would prob be a bonus.........
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Don't overthink it too much. If you like her, make it evident.

  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    Don't overthink it too much. If you like her, make it evident.


    All good advice thanks MFP friends!
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Stop overthinking and ask the girl out. I'm going to assume you're not a 15-year-old, so don't act like one — be confident and ask the girl out on a proper date like a grown up. Make sure she can't think of it as anything other than a date — "Hey, you wanna go [out to dinner/see a movie/the opera/whatever you do for fun] tonight?" as opposed to "Hey, a bunch of us are getting together tonight, if you wanna come..." That way if she says yes, there's no question that she's open to it, and if not, at least you'll know she's not interested and going to coworker poker night with her wasn't going to change that.

    Man up.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Hey now! I don't think he was acting like a 15 y/o. What's the harm in throwing the question out on a forum where other females can offer advice? I applaud him doing his research.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    maybe try and organize an after work happy hour with a group of people from work? then you can feel out if she is single, in a relationship, off men for a while, or whatever.

    This is an excellent idea. You're out in a group and away from the office. No pressure, just have a great time.
  • peterplsss
    peterplsss Posts: 169
    New girl at my work she's very friendly and just adorable, been working with her for about 3-4 weeks. Starting to get feelings/crush for her but don't want to jeopardize work over her especially if she doesn't feel the same way. What should I do? just let the feelings pass? tell her how I feel? we talk alot but its always at work should I try to make a plan for something say dinner? srs thread is srs.
    Edit #2: just actually read whole thread, flirt with her at work to convey you actually like her, then invite her out to get drinks or if you're nervous invite a few people you work with out but if you do this make sure you're an alpha so your coworkers can't steal her.

    Haha I think I already established a alpha role at work.... Brb boss is a women..brb I go to work with stubble/short facial hair when its against policy and boss says nothing about it, but every other guy shaves face completely if they don't they get talked to but she also adores me. anyways yeah we do talk and she does flirt but not much she's very friendly if anything her roommate is more flirty with me but i'm not into her. I'm go with the co workers out for a drink thing, I have no reason to worry about other guys stealing her.
    Then you in there bro, stay safe and have fun. Remember the hole is lower than you think and the more bags the not better ;)

    Wtf I'm laughing because I did'nt understand anything you said there bro, also you a miscer mate?
    Don't have a giggle m8, and of course bby (;
  • peterplsss
    peterplsss Posts: 169
    bring her coffee : ) and, of course she's looking at you.... I mean... those abs...

    Too bad I couldn't have my shirt off at work, would prob be a bonus.........
    This fukin feel dude, the messed up part is I lifeguard but all of the fukin pools make me keep my shirt on while on duty.
  • MrJimmies
    MrJimmies Posts: 113
    bring her coffee : ) and, of course she's looking at you.... I mean... those abs...

    Too bad I couldn't have my shirt off at work, would prob be a bonus.........
    This fukin feel dude, the messed up part is I lifeguard but all of the fukin pools make me keep my shirt on while on duty.

    Ah that sucks can you at least wear a tank?
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Hey now! I don't think he was acting like a 15 y/o. What's the harm in throwing the question out on a forum where other females can offer advice?

    There's nothing wrong with asking for advice. There's everything wrong with analyzing a simple situation like it's a system of differential equations.

    Confidence and assertiveness win girls over. Every. Time.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    There's nothing wrong with asking for advice. There's everything wrong with analyzing a simple situation like it's a system of differential equations.

    Confidence and assertiveness win girls over. Every. Time.

    I don't see what you're seeing regarding the OP's question. But okay. The 2nd part of your statement is good advice. That's what he asked for.