Belly Apron

My most hated part of my body. It rubs, you get rashes, bathing suits don’t fit right, etc. I am 54 and I know my skin is not going to bounce back like when I was in my 20s. Has anyone had any success with this shrinking or know anyone who has? Do I need to start saving for plastic surgery? I have lost 25 pounds but I still have 80 to 100 to go.


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    It's impossible to predict where your body will burn fat from, but with that amount of weight to lose, I would strongly suspect that you'll see that area shrink as you lose weight. There's just no telling how much it will shrink. There's also no way to predict how much loose skin you will or won't have in that area (and very little you can do to prevent loose skin).

    Once you reach your goal weight, if you still have more body fat than you'd like, you can follow a recomp plan to cut fat and build muscle. In the meantime, strength training is a good idea to help preserve muscle mass while losing weight.