Starting Again

I'm starting out again on here (I used this a few years ago but stopped). Mainly because I am trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle as I was having a pretty rough time for a while but am slowly getting back to things. I also throw up randomly and I'm trying to figure out if there is any correlation with foods. I'm vegan and I do get sick if I accidentally have dairy. I also can't have citrus (or generally acidic fruits), primarily in the evening. But there is something else that I'm trying to figure out.
My eating/sleeping/general lifestyle before was absolutely terrible. So I'm trying to make sure I'm eating regular meals, sleeping normally, healthy stuff like that. (I am good with drinking water thank goodness)
My body is starting to get some strength back too finally (although I'm still rather sore but it's a slow process). So I'm going to start doing don't stretching/strength exercises and a bit of cardio soon. I used to have a Fitbit to count steps/activity. But are there apps on your phone that would be good for counting walks primarily? (Google phone, Android) any suggestions for that would be welcome, not sure where to start.
I will be working on losing weight somewhat, once I am eating better and have a routine. So I'll want to track calories anyway. I'm going to log it now but am giving myself some time before making losing weight the focus. Might as well log now anyway and then I can use that to figure out how to best lose weight when I get to that stage.
:) Thanks and I'm so glad this community exists! I mean I'm back because this is a good way to keep track and get info and all that, very helpful, so I'm really glad it's here :D