Cardio before or after



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Depends on what you mean by cardio...cardio sessions can very in intensity and duration. Doing a long, moderately vigorous cardio session before lifting is likely to not leave much in the tank to perform your lifts properly.

    I typically do my cardio on non-lifting days. I usually do a 10-15 minute cool down on the stationary bike after lifting, but I don't really consider it to be cardiovascular training.
  • Chelle8070
    Chelle8070 Posts: 165 Member
    My personal preference is to do cardio before and after upper body weight lifting days and after on leg days. If I do it before leg day, I am too tired for leg presses, lunges, etc.
  • matrosov65
    matrosov65 Posts: 25 Member
    Depends. What weights are you doing, what body parts are you training and what do you mean by cardio. For example. I am cycling thru a 6 months weight program I really love, after 8 months injury hiatus. First 6 week is adaptation stage circuit like training lower weights higher reps first week one circuit second week two circuits third week three circuits. Rinse and repeat for another three weeks with some variations. So for those 6 weeks I'll do weights first and cardio depending on how many circuits I've done I do either after weights or weights in the morning cardio in the evening. Since with lower weights being warmed up is not that critical. After that I'll be doing heavier weights and lower reps and some really heavy weights and with those I'd do 10 minute low-mid level treadmill cardio for warm up because it is really important especially for legs and back exercises, before weights and real cardio on days in between weights. Some people get their cardio and HIIT with weights alone and have good results.
  • tammie614
    tammie614 Posts: 48 Member
    fat loss is my goal so for me personally, i do cardio after weights unless its LISS. I found myself getting fatigued if i did full blown cardio before weights. I'd much rather have my energy full blast on my lifts/reps/sets and then save cardio for last.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    after always.