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Started April 3

Just started again, although I found out I'd joined years ago under another name. Now I'm working to be accountable for all the stuff I do eat so I can really lose weight. I have COPD, and losing weight would make it easier to breathe, not to mention having more energy. Well, here I go . . .


  • dogtrnr3
    dogtrnr3 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck, I've just started again after a long break. Time to get serious.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,650 Member
    Welcome back ...I also recently came back....I had a bad habit of quitting and deleting my accounts I am tired of being a damn yo-yo...Back in Jan. I landed in the hospital for 9 days with the flu/pneumonia...I come out of the hospital with COPD (I quit smoking Jan. 2) and type II diabetes...Feel free to add me if you would like...I would love to support/encourage/cheer etc. while you are on your journey...We Can/Will do this :)
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum. Welcome and good luck!
  • MimiOfTheFraserValley
    MimiOfTheFraserValley Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome back, with a new account!! You can do this & be successful. I've just started fresh again myself. As many others have said, I'm tired of the whole cycle. I've been here the whole time, but haven't always been nearly as active as I should've been; nor have I eaten as I should. I've made a fresh start again, though, & I'm going to do all that I can to make it work.

    Please feel free to add me to your friends if you want. I like to try & be as helpful & encouraging as I possibly can. If anyone else here wants to add me as well, please feel free. :)
  • nsdawson10
    nsdawson10 Posts: 1 Member
    New here just joined 3 days ago. I have type 2 diabetes and it's hard not to eat sugar based foods or things that break down into sugar but I'm trying. I exercise at least 3 days a week at home. Looking for someone who had the same goal in mind. Feel free to add me.