
Hi everyone. I'm Mary from Edinburgh, Scotland


  • kglomb
    kglomb Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Mary from Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Hi everyone im also new here, I've been struggling to shed of some of my stubborn fats on the sides and at the back, I hope im on the right track.
  • jjllambdin3
    jjllambdin3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Mary. When did you join? I'm fairly new to MFP. Just joined 2+ weeks ago. I'm in Virginia.
  • Hi, i joined yesterday 13th Aug. I'm still trying to find my way round everything on the page. I have never done well calorie counting so i don't know if this will work for me. I live on my own so motivation to eat and exercise regularly can be a problem. Hopefully we can all encourage each other. Today i have had one roll with 2 slices of cold meat and a sliced hard boil egg, plus numerous cups of tea. Best of luck. x
  • Hi kglomb. How are you doing on MFP?
  • Hi and welcome jezoween. x
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Mary, I'm 55 from UK also - feel free to add me as a friend if you want support.
  • Thankyou Poohbear, i'll do that. x
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Mary!

    Welcome to MFP! I've only been around since the beginning of July and will say that I've met some of the nicest and most encouraging people here.

    Best of luck on your journey! (Feel free to add me as a friend, if you like!)