Opinions on Under Desk Ellipticals or other Equiptment?

So disclaimer, I'm a highly sedentary person. I'm at a desk job 8-5 Monday through Friday and if I don't go right to the gym after work which I do try to do a couple times a week, I go right to my desk at home and start studying and working on some other personal projects that I'm trying to get working in my spare time. Even after I get home from the gym, I go right to my desk and get to work for at least two hours.

Like most people, I try to get up and break it up a bit, go take a short walk, stretch, I have a couple hand weights to use. But I just have such a backlog of work, I feel like I'm falling short in the exercising and my working. Something like this, which I can use as I'm working, seems like a decent compromise. But every review I can find, I try to take with a grain of salt. I figured it would be best to pose the question to a group of people who have probably asked the same questions at some point before I put the investment in.


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    The ones I have looked at had reviews indicating they didn’t do much. If you think about it the resistance has to be fairly minimal or it would scoot all over the place.

    My solution to not having much time and working at a desk was to get a regular exercise bike and use it hard for fifteen minutes twice a day. If you really go at it with intervals you can get a good workout in fifteen minutes, and since it’s at home there’s no excuse not to do it.

    It’s good to prioritize more activity in your life - like taking walks regularly - but not always possible. But fifteen minutes is almost always possible.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    People starting off with limited mobility seem to like them because it helps them do more than they were, but it's not going to replace most gym workouts. Have you done an MFP search for similar threads? This topic is discussed frequently.