When MFP doesn't have it

What do you guys do when the app doesn't have a menu item from a local restaurant on the app? In the past, I have found similar items from different places but I want to try to be more accurate. I don't know all that goes into the dish for sure, so how can I know? TIA


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I find something that seems similar from another menu or I estimate the portion size of each ingredient and log individually.

    Unless the restaurant is willing to tell you the recipe and exact weight of each ingredient used, you'll always be estimating.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    MFP doesn't have any special powers. It only uses information added by members from publicly available nutritional information. You can see if the restaurant has calorie information available if you request it. But if not, you are only left with estimating based off of something similar.