Trying this again at my age....

Hi, I’m Lynn from Florida. I am 64, overweight, and a yo-yo......I have been anything from a size 6/125 pounds (2010] to a size 20/232 pounds (last month). Currently working through my insurance company and the Prevent T2 program sponsored by the CDC. Eternally optimistic, this time I will take off some of this excess weight and KEEP it off.


  • Riley9460
    Riley9460 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Lynn, I'm Diane from SC and I have perpetually creep which I blame on age. Love that you're eternally optimistic and will follow you for inspiration. My goal weight is somewhere in the 130's. You?
  • pointeofview
    pointeofview Posts: 3 Member
    I am currently at goal weight range is 140-160. Although at this point, I look at any loss as a win. I live in FL, so I have no excuse for getting outdoors and getting some exercise! My first “mini goal” is to get to 200. (God, I NEVER thought I would say I want to get DOWN to 200. Where did all these pounds come from?)
  • harmonyhills1
    harmonyhills1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Rose from Louisiana. I used this app before and had great success. Now, I’m back. Up to 175 lbs. Want to get down to 145. I know I can do it with encouragement. So, ladies, let’s do it!!
  • azpostal
    azpostal Posts: 788 Member
    Hi there! I had great success in the past with MFP, lost over 45 pounds and actually looked a little too thin. Well, the last 8 months or so I have steadily gained and am now up 25 from that lowest weight! Looking for new friends to motivate me and keep me accountable 🤔 please add me as a friend so we can do this together