Any advice?

maffff Posts: 72 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi guys,

I'm 45 days in and as of this morning I'm 25lbs lighter. It feels like it's going pretty well and I'm starting to get a few comments that I've lost weight.

I work in London in a desk job and I''ve just moved from a 2 hour daily commute involving 80 minutes a day walking to about 40 minutes. I don't really have any intention of joining a gym [I'm not a lifter and can't ever see that being 'me'] as there isn't one in my town I can use and although I am able to use the one at work I can't think of anything worse. I have ideals of doing jogging or something but I work fairly long hours and what little time I have is precious to me, I'd rather use it to unwind.

I have my diary open for everybody, any thoughts or advice you can give me would be great, e.g. is anything 'all over the place'. I was at my parents for a month until the weekend just gone which means I was quite limited to eating with them and what was available but I have my independence back as of this weekend, so a good time to start getting into good habits.

I've purchased a weight which can be adjusted to 5/10/15/20kg and any advice on exercises I could/should do at home, with or without that, sets and reps, etc, would be awesome. I don't have a huge amount of space available. I also have a set of floor push up bars although I haven't really used them yet, I remember the last time I made a pitiful attempt at doing a push up and it kinda put me off.

Thank you!


  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    I guess not. Looks like I should have put this in to the general diet and weight loss area too. Gah!
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    I've found myself short of time recently so have been trying to either get up early to do a workout before work. If I do this I feel great for the rest of the day but the actually getting up part is really hard!

    If not I try and get a brisk 20 min walk in at lunch time. Still gives me time to eat and its at least doing something.
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    Make a personal list for a nice circuit workout!

    All can be done using a small space

    Leg lefts
    Flys with weights
    Wood choppers
    Jumping Jacks
    Add more or repeat!

    I love a good circuit workout!
  • slatts75
    slatts75 Posts: 32
    Hi there.

    I also have a desk job and my commute to work is about 30 minutes by car (no walking involved whatsoever). The public transport routes to my office would up the journey time to at least 90 minutes and it's too far to cycle. I work 40 hours a week plus I'm doing an MBA which is 12-20 hrs study per week on top of that,I understand that spare hours count!

    For a while I tried walking at lunchtime, but with only 30minutes for lunch and being sited on a dreary industrial estate, it wasn't working for me at all.

    SO. I did join a gym. I never imagined myself doing it, I hate the idea of treadmills and weights machines - not motivated by them at all, but it's very close to work so I go in the mornings before work 2 or 3 times a week for a swim. I do Yoga at least once a week and occasionally body pump. On the mornings I don't go to the gym I sometimes exercise at home using Youtube films, which might seem perverse as I'm paying for the gym membership but this is in addition to rather than instead of and more about toning than the gym stuff I do. I find it diificult to do an excercise routine without an instructor to follow, so classes and films work for me, they also help remind you how to do things properly to avoid injury. I find excercising in the morning best for me. I don't have time to talk myself out of it and I feel rested, plus it gives me more energy for the day.

    I'm surprised how much I look forward to the gym now (especially on a Friday after work, I swim the week's worries away) - my life is so busy that the gym feels like an indulgent oasis of calm. Also the ladies locker room conversations I overhear are often hilarious (I'm in Manchester - sometimes it's like a Victoria Wood sketch in there) which really puts me in a good mood.

    Quite a few of my colleagues are also members at my gym, but I rarely see them so it's not the same as using a work gym - don't think I'd want my team or boss to see me in a swim suit or doing a headstand - would you consider joining a gym near work instead?

    Re: pushups, I just read this thread with some good tips on it

    Not sure if any of that counts as advice - hope you find a routine that works for you.
  • kab122008
    kab122008 Posts: 1 Member
    have you ever heard of ? it has a health&fitness section which has a lot of in home, no gym workouts. lots of healthy food ideas and stuff to motivate you.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Check out youtube for home workouts if you can. Thats where I found a spin class that I loved. Also consider Rushfit, insanity, or p90x. Those are great home workouts that if you take slow and stick with it you can get major results. Is getting a bike an option for you? Taking a quick bike ride a few times a week is a great cardio workout.
  • sklebar
    sklebar Posts: 117 Member
    I make time for it, but just do very intensive workouts in the 3 hours I do per week. I do an hour of bootcamp reformer pilates, an hour of jivamukti yoga and then do two 30 minute runs in the late evening during the week. I feel a heck of a lot better when I do it. I know the commuting is a nightmare, but I also take it as an opportunity to walk fast, jog up escalators and stairs in the tube and walk through the city a bit more. It helps. I'm a retired athlete, so I am just trying to keep a lean figure, so I know what you mean.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Youtube has some great workouts. I recommend jumprope workouts... They will kick your butt.
  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    I'm kind of in the same boat as you at the moment. Send me a FR f you want to chat in further detail :)
  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    Youtube has some great workouts. I recommend jumprope workouts... They will kick your butt.

    I would definitely consider this.. even if there are other options... Jumping rope is a great exercise, its not real expensive and you can do it in a small apartment if you have to. I also would recommend some calisthenics... or circuit training that does not require any weights. Goodluck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I currently do circut training at home...with small hand weights (mind you I need to up those). 30Day Shred actually. Then moving to lifting SL 5x5.

    Any kind of exercise will be of benefit so just go with what you know you will I hate cardio so I am not getting on my treadmill.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Checking back later to see if anyone has picked up on the maths.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    You can get ankle/ wrist weights that add resistance to day-to-day movement, also. Probably only burn a few extra calories over the day but-they'd all add up- especially if you wear them during cardio.
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren.

    Do a 20min tabata session each night.
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    I don't belong to a gym either. Just can't get into it... but I am glad so many other people can enjoy them.

    Instead I work out with a group of people at my work during lunch. We do CrossFit Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a different Workout each day. Tuesday and Thursday we run and will do a stomach work out. Look up Crossfit videos to get ideas, you don't need a lot of equipment to get a great workout, modifications are always an option too. The time goes by really fast because you keep switching the muscle you are working on and it makes it fun.

    Feel free to send a friend request if you like because I know what it is like to not have time on your side... Good luck squeezing in that workout when you can. Your body deserves it so anything is better than nothing!
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