muscle soreness help



  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Make sure your are hydrated before and after your work out. Start slow to warm up, walking is good for this. Cool down after again a short walk is great, dont just stop cold. Stretch afterwards, a lot of people stretch before but then don't stretch after, I just had this talk with my nephew last night, it is so beneficial to stretch after your muscles have been worked. I like either a protein shake or something high in potassium after I work out, I notice a huge difference in muscle recovery when I do either one. If you don't
    Ike protein shakes just eat something with protein. And don't baby them to much an unused muscle can get stiff and more sore if you don't work it out.
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Other than the advil. Take cold showers/baths after you lift.

    ^^^^ This...

    Although a hot bath sounds inviting it's not good for muscle recovery, The athletes (runners) once they've completed a marathon sit in a tub full of Ice to prevent them from aching afterwards...

    Lol sounds a little severe, but the colder the better apparently..... :) in other words a cold shower should do it ;p
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    And don't baby them to much an unused muscle can get stiff and more sore if you don't work it out.


    I really appreciate this thread because usually I just suffer for a few days, mope then hate exercise, but I'm glad to see some ideas for helping this because today I'm HURTING. The only thing I can add is a resounding second to this point-- the longer I sit still, the more my leg muscles refuse to flex and send shooting pain through my legs when I try to use them again-- not fun. :( Keep stretching or moving around though the pain if you're going to need to use the muscles that hurt anytime soon. (You know, for walking, or something.)
  • shakira9634
    shakira9634 Posts: 10 Member
    Ibuprofen and ice is what I use. 15 min on and 15 min off for about an hour.
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Learn to LOVE the soreness :drinker: I can't get enough of it

    YES! I love when I change my weight lifting program, so I'll be sore again! Means it is working perfectly!
  • Danimal718
    Danimal718 Posts: 90 Member
    Notice the one common thread amongst the answers....HYDRATE. Most people walk around in some state of dehydration. 64oz minimum. If you're working out even more. I try and drink at least 100oz a day if not more.
  • marita_mimi
    marita_mimi Posts: 23 Member
    swim, walk, do some cycling, MOVE and STRETCH OUT.
    get enough of SLEEP!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Don't shower in hot or cold water after lifting, use tepid water

    Don't use hot, cold, or tepid water. Take a dust bath. The fine silt covering filters the nitrogen from the air and allows more oxygen to be absorbed through the skin and go directly to the muscle.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Soak in a hot Epsom bath. :)
  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    The cheapest way to prevent sore muscles is to properly stretch after each workout for at least 3-5 min. This will help keep you from injury and most of the soreness.
  • grillingirl
    grillingirl Posts: 81 Member
    Learn to LOVE the soreness :drinker: I can't get enough of it

    YES! I love when I change my weight lifting program, so I'll be sore again! Means it is working perfectly!

    Yes! I love the soreness too! I switch things up frequently so I'll be sore again. Feels great!
  • michelledeas
    Hi Leslie, I just started worki g out too and have some muscle aches. Glad you asked this question. The responses are amazing. Thanks to everyone that contributed because my body is in pain.