Figuring out cool down

Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
I can't exercise for the sake of exercise, it gives me a sort of existential dread. Instead I play virtual reality games until my arms and legs won't move anymore (slight exaggeration).

When I used to run on a treadmill it had a built in cool down mode. I don't have that for video games obviously. Any ideas on creating my own little routine I can do in my little office space, or do I even need to bother?

I don't want to injure myself for the billionth time. :/


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Cool down on the treadmill is still running but slower, right? So, do what you were doing during the game, but slower and less intense. Or slow running or walking. Add in some stretching. More importantly, are you doing a 5-10 min warm up? I feel that's more helpful to preventing injury than a cool down.