
Hi there :-) I'm 36 m looking to lose 40lb to be a happy weight. I have never tackled something like this before so don't really know where to start. I'm trying to eat 1350 - 1500 calories a day. I exercise about 30mins a day but some times I only manage that 4/5 times a week. I have thought about trying fat burner pills like ephedrine and caffeine but really want to do this without that sort of stuff. Does anyone recommend how often I should weight myself? I have thought about monthly but want to see some progress but thought about weekly too. I am open to any tips to get me started and for friendship and support. Lastly - good luck guys on your journeys.


  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    My advice for what it is - stay away from "fat" burners.

    I weigh weekly but scale weight is probably one of the worst indicators of progress, but we all check it anyway. Even MFP displays it as the biggest indicator of success with the progress bars and banners.
  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member
    Avoid any "fat burning" product. Most of them are gimmicks, and you want to aim for a regulated metabolism, one that will see you through the weight loss AND the weight maintenance.

    Add some strength training to your cardio, too. And don't be afraid of the measuring tape. Measure once every other week, and you can do an Official Weigh-In once a week. But if you're like a lot of us MFPers, as Fitfor38 said, you might unofficially weigh daily. Be on the lookout for NSVs (non-scale victories) -- THOSE are the best indicators of progress and motivators for additional change!

    Welcome to the wide world of MFP! Best of luck on your very own Weight Loss Adventuretime. =)
  • lb7771
    lb7771 Posts: 5 Member
    welcome, I would advise to stay away from "fat burners", all diet pills!!!! If you do you will be sorry in the end because the weight will just come back. A slow weight loss is best 1-2 lbs a week, if you loose more good for you. , drink 8 glasses of water everyday on top of your coffee, tea, diet soft drinks, etc.
    Try giving up refined sugar & go with Splenda, it really is the best sweetner out there.
    Try & exercise everyday if you can, start slow, and work your way up
    Weigh yourself the same day every week, I weigh myself the day I started MFP.
    Measure yourself, chest, waist, etc., you can measure yourself every week or once a month. I find people get discouraged very easily, try and stick with it.
    Good luck on your weight loss journey, we are all here for the same reason & are willing to help out anyone who is stuck or wants answers.
  • gutbegone30DS
    Hello! I just joined the site and needless to say I am pumped and very excited! Looking at some members' before and after photos makes this journey so inspiring and so much more fun to do! (k, so i admit i sorta kinda went into stalker mode before i signed up. lol!)
    anyway I'm doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred and holy cannoli that chick kicked my derrier pretty hard... I took some "fat burner" before working out and that was such a terrible idea... other than the work out itself kicking my booty i feel like the pill actually made me dizzy so that was the first and the last time I'm taking it. caffeine rush?! not my favorite.

    anyway, Hi all! and I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you!....(...or to anyone interested..)

    PS: I love the little tracker thing! it's gonna be so much fun watching it go from left to right!
  • corinnelapolt
    Welcome! :)

    Log your food, workout, make like minded friends who encourage and support.

    No fat burner needed!

    Feel free to friend me!