Weight coming off now...TOO fast???

Hello all...

So I'm currently doing Focus T25 and am in the 1st week of Beta Phase (which I'm lovin'!), and it's been a cool journey thus far. I'm also a graduate of Insanity, but I find myself much more motivated for Focus T25 and not dreading it nearly as bad as the 2+ months of Insanity hellishness. Haha.

Anyways, wanted to get y'all's opinion:

I had a few weeks of Alpha Phase (base conditioning) where I was burning 420 cals+ per workouts (25 min), yet only losing 1 to .5 lbs in that given week. My target calories are/were about 1,600, but I'm not militant about hitting it exactly as long as I'm close (and I almost always am). My diet was on point for the most part, trying to strictly adhere to a macro breakdown of 40/30/30 P/F/C, and even transistioned to an Intermittent Fasting regimen halfway through. I was a bit frustrated, although not altogether discouraged that I wasn't losing more fat...

Currently, I'm pretty much on the same page. Diet on point, macros looking good, I.F. is going very well. Just this past week however, I've actually been dropping weight "like it's hot". Haha. The past 4 days, I've dropped 1 lb PER DAY...

I feel great. Not light-headed. Not starving and very satiated at meals. No headaches. No GI issues. Tons of energy. Based on those cues, I don't FEEL like I'm hurting myself, yet the pervailing attitude is that more than like 2 lbs a week is unsafe and unhealthy...

Has anyone else experienced a similar "rush" of weight loss? I'm stoked I broke through my plateaus and like I said I feel fantastic (going on 6 weeks of this program now), but want to be sure I'm being healthy about it.

Thoughts? Do I just ride this wave and see where it stops within reason? Up my calories? What say you?


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Maybe your body is just adjusting to the new workouts? I think I would give it a little more time.

    I tend to only weigh myself once every 3/4 weeks so I wouldn't notice the weight lose so quickly,

    Sorry cant be anymore help
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member

    I tend to only weigh myself once every 3/4 weeks so I wouldn't notice the weight lose so quickly,

    Yeah, I have a weird fascination with weighing myself before and after a workout, just to see how much weight I lost in sweat. Haha. I know it's not a true reflection of weight loss, but I do find it fascinating.

    I'm more interested in week-to-week weight loss, and the weight is definitely staying off...hence my questions.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    There might have been something about your "plateau" that was masking real weight loss. Otherwise, just go with it. Bodies do what bodies want to do, I've had the same thing happen.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    It's water weight. It has to be. No other explanation makes sense. Weigh yourself every day or intra-day ONLY if you can handle the ups and downs that come with the vaguaries of the scale and the body. I was 163 Friday mid-day. This morning I was 153.5. Think I lost 9.5 pounds in 5 days? Water, sure. I've lost 2.5 pounds every day the last 2 days. And all I do is laugh at it. And run to the bathroom again.

    It's water weight, so don't freak. Don't get excited. Because it can come back too. And if you gain an equivalent amount don't let that discourage you. Until you can really not obsess over the daily weight fluctuations, I'd say lay off them for a bit.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Yes. Just had something similar. I was averaging about 5. to .75 lbs a week. For someone who is hypothyroid, I consider this a great success. Just this past week, I dropped 4.5 pounds, and for the month, over 15. I call it finding the "sweet spot." That perfect balance your body finds of calorie intake and exercise calories burned. Weight loss isn't linear. If you're not starving yourself and getting the nutrients you need, there's no reason to suspect it's a bad thing. The body does what it wants to do sometimes....who am I to question a big loss? ;)

    Edit: I just recently had my TSH levels checked. My level is normal and I'm not going hyperthyroid. So it really is all me.
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I weigh myself daily, I know there are going to be fluctuations and I'm ok with that. I've noticed that I tend to maintain the same weight or be up .5 lbs to 1 lb for a few days but then I'll drop 2 or 3 pounds at the end of the week. I've been losing consistently this way since January. Always no change at the beginning of the week then a big drop at the end of the week...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's how I work, I lose 4-5 lbs in a week then nothing for 2-3 weeks. It won't last forever, enjoy it.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Definitely don't worry about it. You feel good so keep doing what you're doing. I experienced similar things in the midst of my weight-loss. I also experienced strange weight-gains or no weight-loss during weeks when I worked really hard. Sometimes day to day or even over a week it's hard to predict what your weight will be.

    As others have said, I'd recommend weighing yourself once a week. Get on the scale first-thing in the morning on the same day once a week to be as consistent as possible. That way the daily ups and downs (caused usually by water weight) won't drive you crazy. You're looking for long-term trends... over a few weeks you'll probably see your weight-loss average out to 2 pounds per week or so.

    In the meantime, great job! Keep going!
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    Ok, so I'm not a total genetic freak. That's good. :-)

    As to the above post about water weight, I'm not sure that is the explanation. I drink a ton of water every day (at least 1.5 gallons), and am constantly flushing from that and have been for the past 6 weeks. I keep my sodium in check, so there's really no reason for me to retain water to the degree that it would be effecting me this way. Also, being that I'm consistently losing 1-1.5 lbs a day, doesn't add up that it would just be "water weight".

    For what it's worth, I can now not only see but FEEL my fat layer around my mid-section being noticably (not just my imagination) thinner. Good problem to have - I know - but was just checking to see if others had experienced similar.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Good problem to have - I know - but was just checking to see if others had experienced similar.

    I lost 5 pounds in a week when I was just starting out (with 50 pounds to lose). Then there were several weeks where I lost 3 or 4 pounds. So I didn't lose over a pound a day like you describe but it was still pretty amazing at times - almost scary.

    Like I said, it's hard to fully understand weight sometimes. You'll lose 5 pounds one week and nothing the next even though you did everything the same. Water weight usually helps explain this, and I don't fully understand how and why the body retains water. I know sodium is a big culprit but not the only one. I usually just blame that since you can really get a big sodium dose in one dinner out.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    It will probably all even out eventually. I will go a week or two without losing much of anything and then suddenly drop 5 lbs. Other times I will consistently lose 1-2 lbs a week. I don't change my diet too much and there aren't any drastic changes in exercise. I think sometimes our bodies just take a little while to catch up weight-wise with all of the work we put in especially when we're building muscle.

    This is just my opinion, but unless you notice that you aren't feeling well or keep losing 4lbs/week for several weeks I wouldn't worry about it too much.